I thought it would be fun to start collecting Independent Bookstores. They are the little jewels of the book world after all. Thursday I had perfect weather for the Dutchess County Fair and the cherry on top of my Sundae was to run into the folks from OBLONG BOOKS & MUSIC.
My 6 year old took the picture, so our heads are a little cropped, but he was rather proud of himself so its a keeper. I happily acquired a PEACE, LOVE, BOOKS T-shirt and I also ran back and purchased an $8 squirrel finger puppet that likely kept $150 out of the pocket of the guy who charges, the weight of my youngest child in gold, to throw 3 balls into a tilted bucket. I owe you OBLONG and I’ll have to make a trip up to see you and spend some of that $150 on some books.
Be sure to stop by and visit in person or on line…
Montgomery Road, Rhinebeck
Main Street, Millerton
(845) 876-0500
(518) 789-3797
wwwstarsy says:
Great idea, Kimberly! I love indie bookstores, too. Our local bookstore closed, much to everybody's chagrin. Now I have to go to (cough, cough) Border's or some store in the mall.
On August 31, 2009 at 12:05 am
Kimberly Sabatini says:
Thanks-there is nothing like the feel of an Indie. I've always dreamed of having one down the street so I could become a regular fixture LOL! All the Indies are a bit far from me, but Oblong has on line ordering so they will be hearing from me! :o)
On August 31, 2009 at 12:10 am