Lunch is over and now I’m going to admit the truth. I had no real idea who the post-festivus luncheon keynote speaker was. Let me clarify, I did know that it was going to be Jacqueline Woodson and that she would be speaking about LOCKING THE DOOR TO OURSELVES:THE IMPORTANCE OF WRITING IN TODAY’S WORLD. (I can read the little green schedule.) What I’m trying to say is that I didn’t KNOW. I had no idea that I would start listening to her words and my jaw would hang down to my feet in awe. I had no idea that my ears would be captivated by the perfectly captured rhythm of her voice. I had no idea that my eyes would fill will tears as her thoughts resonated with me soul.
Now I know.
I must apologize…I took less than stellar notes because I simply sat in the audience stunned, mesmerized. I can share the bits and pieces that did manage to make it to my notebook.
*We all start with the work of someone else…reading, observing, listening.
*There are lots of people who don’t read our work because we write for children.
*…"I have a right to tell my story."
*…"Shut up and go write it." LOL!
Madeleine L’Engle-we should write for the child we were. The essence of the emotion doesn’t change.
*A lot of stuff I learn about my books, I find out when I read the reviews of them.
*Fiction is so the reader can have an experience. It should also be "emotionally biographical."
Jacqueline doesn’t believe in outlining (Shout out to her and Richard Peck) and she also doesn’t believe in writer’s block.
-What stops us from writing is our fear.
See…I told you that I spent all my time being captivated. Check her out, read her books, listen to her voice, aspire…you won’t regret it!
Break-out Session #3 was a complete change of pace but loaded with wonderful information.
Jennifer Bailey’s session was THE REAL DEAL ABOUT: VIRAL MARKETING AND PROMOTION. Jennifer is a Graphic Designer and Professional Blogger.
*Generating word of mouth.
*Passing on a message.
*increasing Brand awareness.
*Increasing product sales (the end result).
Jennifer gave a historical example of good and bad viral marketing.
PAUL REVERE-silver smith and patriot
WILLIAM DAWES-tanner and patriot
On the night of that famous midnight ride, it might surprise you to know that William traveled further and faster than Paul, but Paul Revere was the messenger who made the most impact. He was the "virus" because he knew who to target to get his message out there.
1. Build your community
-what are your other areas of interest?
2. Create a "Call to Action" list.
-have an easy message (The Redcoats are Coming!)
-relinquish control…let the message go out on its own. (Paul didn’t stop to chat.)
3. Plant it in fertile soil.
-connect with the right people in your community.
4. Encourage conversation and sharing.
5. Reward
-have a free product.
-feeling good for participating can be its own reward.
6. Give ’em a sequel.
-once your community is riled up, then you have to do something to keep the message going.
-She had an auction to raise funds for a school who needed books. She raised over $15,000 in a few short weeks.
-Had a Halloween Party Contest for Independent Book Sellers. He would come to the best party.
-Created a movement. where people gather to increase awesome and decrease suck!
-The book Launch. A video contest of people doing the chicken dance. The video idea didn’t work as well as she had hoped but despite that her book went into a second printing before it was released.
1. Building a community.
-Cynthea Lui linked all her sites together. She made it very easy to get from one place to another. If you were participating in the auction you had easy access to her books and other information about her.
-John Green and his brother started an interactive message board.
-They also created Nerdfighters, giving everyone a name that they could own.
2. What was their call to action?
-Cynthea Lui used Twitter and combined the name of her book PARIS PAN TAKES THE DARE with the auction calling it the DARE Auction.
-Neil Gaimon uses his blog and writes very personal posts, posts pictures and even answers fan mail on the blog.
-Tammi Sauer had her videos on YouTube. (Remember every 1 in 2 searches takes you to YouTube)
-The Green Brothers did video blogs with public "punishment" if they missed an installment. They also had a clear message…Decrease World SUCK! They made it fun to be a nerd.
*Don’t forget to ASK. If you ask, people will help you.
3. Fertile soil
-Know who your back up is. Who is your wing man?
4. The Conversation and the Love
-Show passion. It was a snowball effect of authors, editors and agents donating critiques. Everyone wanted to help and be a part of Cynthea’s passion.
5. Reward
-Decreased world suck! Can’t beat that.
-Neil Gaimon showed up to 2 book stores instead of two (for the Party Contest)
-Cynthea Lui allowed everyone to see the kids and the books that were a result of her effort.
6. The Sequel
-We are all interested to see what will be done next.
*It takes patience-building your social media reputation takes time.
-Charlotte from Charlotte’s Web…she had to write more than one message to save that pig.
*Follow the 80/20 Rule
-80% of what you do should be about other people
-20% should be about yourself
-You’ve got to be a friend to get a friend.
*Know your audience
-Tom Sawyer knew how to get those boys to paint that fence LOL
-Gear the message towards your audience.
*Beware of TMI (Too Much Information)
*Be yourself, everyone else is taken.
*Listen to your "Jedi Council" the people that you trust in your life.
*Its social for a reason
-You have to be having fun for your community to have fun.
*You’re the BRAND, the book is the PRODUCT.
The last speaker of the day was not the least. Peter Sis was another powerful and amazing speaker, illustrator and writer. His journey was a story in and of itself…once again I was so engrossed listening to him, that I barely wrote enough notes. Just so you know…
*He was born in a country that no longer exists-Czechoslovakia. He grew up in Prague. His father was a film maker and his mother was an artist and they encouraged him to draw from a very early age.
*Growing up behind the Iron Curtain, he is very aware that children are brainwashed because they don’t know that they are being brainwashed. From time to time, something from his youth will still surface, reminding him how impressionable children are.
*Someone once told him that his books are for dreamers and seekers…
Read his books and you will know that it is true. We are very lucky to have him.
What would make a tired group of writers wander out into the freezing cold NYC night? THE VERLA KAY BLUE BOARD DINNER of course!
Here I am with the FANTABULOUS Stacy Moser, who organized the whole event. Thank you, thank you, thank you Stacy! We had a wonderful evening. :o)
Catching up with old friends and meeting new ones.
Jeff told a lovely story reminding us to "feed each other" and of course…mingle during dessert! Here are some of the Blue Boarders doing just that.
I know what you’re thinking, this must be the end. No day could be that good and still have more fun left it? You are wrong. If you haven’t gone GEOCACHING in the dark in 19 degree weather…you, my friend, have not lived.
What is District 14? I’ll have more information on that in the weeks to come…come on, a girl has to have a few secrets *wink*
I’ll be back soon with another blog post and I just want to let you know…Sunday was just as awesome as Friday and Saturday!