Library-Loving Blogdgett…take a virtual tour.

March 26, 2010 | Uncategorized

Its Library-Loving Week and I’m participating in the LIBRARY-LOVING BLOG CHALLENGE. Thought you might like to learn a little bit more about my library, Fishkill’s Blodgett Memorial Library.

Fishkill’s Blodgett Memorial Library was founded in 1934 and while it has grown and changed to meet the needs of the community, it has managed to maintain a small town, intimate feel. When you walk in the door you are always greeted with a smile.
Julie (the Library Director) and Sandy are just two of the many wonderful employees and volunteers that assist the 10,000 people a month who walk through Blodgett’s doors. They are also really sweet about handing my kids the key to the bathroom ALL THE TIME!
Blodgett has a wonderfully quaint feel to it, but it also provides computer access to anyone who needs it. That’s just the tip of the ice berg though. The library runs a host of other programs that help and support all different components of the community…
AARP provides free tax help at the library.

They also have a large selection of LARGE PRINT Books.

Blodgett’s Battle Bots participate in the Regional Battle of the Books Competition. "Battle of the Books is a nationally recognized literature contest in which young people answer trivia questions based on specific books they have read. It encourages young people to get involved with great literature, work together as a team and then gather with other teens in the spirit of friendly competition to test their knowledge. The goal of this program is to foster a lifelong love of reading and to encourage library use among middle grade students." Woo Hoo!

Some of Blodgett’s additional activities and groups include…

*BOOK BUDDIES (where teens read to kids)

There is also a separate Mystery Book section and plenty of Nonfiction to keep a curious reader busy.

Dear to my heart, they have the YA Lounge. Without a doubt some of my donation will be ear marked for teen readers. Can’t wait until I can put one of my books on the self here…

Some of my favorites are right here!

Before you can make it upstairs to the YA section, you have to spend lots of time with Miss Siebert in the Children’s Room. This of course is a pleasure. :o)

Shhhhhhhh I’m working on getting a book or two down here also.

Miss Siebert runs an active Children’s Room with Toddler and Preschool story times and year round events and activities. The highlight of the program is the Summer Reading Program.

Last but not least, when the doors are ready to close for the evening and they must kick you out, you can take your chin-high stack of books and multimedia to the front desk and check out with a smile because you know that you can come back to Blodgett tomorrow. This is a wonderful library filled to the brim with dedicated staff and volunteers. I’m very proud that they are my library.

If you haven’t had a chance to stop by and make a comment on the LIBRARY-LOVING BLOG CHALLENGE, please take a moment to click on the link and leave a quick note. For every individual and unique comment I am donating $1.00 up to $150 to this hardworking Library. I also encourage you to support your local library in any way that you can.


  1. Leah the Orange says:

    i ALWAYS support local libraries, and i think it's WONDERFUL that you're doing this!

    i donate old books and magazines to my local library, and i visit them whenever they have a book sale, often getting real gems (sometimes vintage!) for PENNIES!

    good luck with the fundraising, and keep up the great work! 😀

  2. VAWM says:

    What a fabulous looking local library! Thanks for supporting reading for everyone!

  3. Michelle says:

    nice library!! we love to visit our local library mykids today where just asking to go!maybe tomorrow!! 🙂 great thing to support reading is soo important!

  4. mini says:

    i live this libary i come here atlest one timea week!