I’m going to start this blog by "sort of" apologizing for its tardiness. In between now and the Eastern PA Fall Philly Conference I’ve finished the revisions on my YA novel TOUCHING THE SURFACE and have sent the full manuscripts out to two AMAZING agents. I’m hoping that you’ll see me as a good role model who didn’t let her blogging time interfere with her writing time. *grin*
OK, back to my originally planned opening comments…
NOW, I’m going to start this blog post with a thumbs down and a thumbs up mini critique…What? You want the bad news first? OK-here we go…
A big BOO to UPS. While you got my manuscript to Fall Philly in time…I didn’t expect you to use it for traction under the truck tires. Luckily Francesca (queen of awesomeness!) took pity on me and printed off a fresh new copy because this would have been the wrong kind of attention to get in a critique session!
My thumbs up goes to….*drum roll please*
After filling up and getting to know one another, we broke off into groups. I was in the YA Critters and we worked on our manuscript critiques until nearly 11pm. It was awesome and productive…my only regret is sitting near those very tasty sweet potato chips…damn their slaty sweetness.
After finally getting to sleep (you remember that connecting door)…
Of course we ran right to the book store to grab some books before they were sold out. :o) Then there was cheese danish-good times already!
Conference Director Tara Cahill gives us a warm welcome. And then it was straight into the fun stuff like PUPPIES, PUMPKINS AND PUBLISHING with Lindsay Barrett George. Lindsay is an author/illustrator picture book writer. Her thoughts on herself…"For a little girl whose passion was drawing birds and fish and flowers and trees, to end up as a artist whose passion is drawing birds and fish and flowers and trees…it doesn’t get any better."
Lindsay started with a hands on skit about how to write a children’s picture book using using Kevin as the "writer", Karen as the "illustrator" and Lindsay as the "Editor". Needless to say, we are waiting to hear that Kevin has acquired his own television sitcom. LOL! Everyone was very funny.
She then went on to stress the importance of a dummy when creating a picture book and to remember that the book is about MOVEMENT! First you open the cover and then you turn the page.
Here are two small samples of her artistry and they barely do her work justice. I highly encourage you to find her books and share them with your children.
Lindsay left the discussion with three things to keep in mind when you’re creating your own picture books.
1. Magic-must give your readers a little bit of magic.
2. Care-your reader must connect on an emotional level.
3. Ask yourself…does this book make a difference?
I’m pretty sure that her books have successfully kept those three things in mind. *heart squish*
Next up on the agenda was a trio of amazing ladies…
*Jennifer R Hubbard, author of THE SECRET YEAR.
These ladies are all part of the Kidlit Author’s Club which is a group of children’s book author’s from NJ, PA and MD. Their topic for the day was FIRST CROP: PLANTING AN IDEA AND HARVESTING A BOOK.
First up was Jeannine Norris and she…********We interrupt this broadcast for a 10:00am critique session with Erica Rand Silverman*********
Opps, by the time I returned, Jeannine’s portion of the talk was over so I have my fingers crossed that I’ll be able to catch up with her some other time.
Next up was Nan Marino, we are Facebook Friends and I’d just finished heading her novel to my two oldest boys so I was very excited to meet her in person.
Here are some of Nan’s best seeds of inspiration…
*Read like a writer-learn from the people who do it well.
*Facing rejection is like being in the middle of your own novel/story.
*Her favorite writing prompt-Pick an adult and figure out what he or she was like as a child.
*Her favorite advice-find the truth, just tell the story and have faith in your words.
Last in line was Jennifer R. Hubbard a friend of mine on LiveJournal and the founder of the Library-Loving Challenge. If you get the opportunity to be involved with this event it is wonderful and there are multiple ways for you to support libraries. This year was the second year of the challenge and the results were spectacular… she raised $5148, plus 80 pounds (UK), plus at least $300 worth of new books, plus donations of used books and audiotapes. Woo hoo!!!!!!
Jennifer talked about bringing the teen novel to market. Here were her best pieces of advice…
*Build your story around a conflict, challenge, mystery or unanswered question.
*Stay with the teen POV.
*Kill your "darlings"-don’t get too attached to what you’ve written.
*When self-marketing-do what fits into YOUR wheelhouse.
*Group events are more fun than solo events so BAN TOGETHER!!!!!
*When writing MG/YA write to the reader vs. the gatekeeper.
I know you think it can’t get better than this but *squee* IT’S WENDY MASS!!!!!!
Wendy also talked about PLANTING SEEDS. She started off by giving us a wonderful mental picture of how to write a story. Take a character, put them in a tree, throw rocks at them and then help them get down.
She also had lots of other helpful advice…
*Learn to read books like a writer, looking closely at chapter beginnings and endings.
*Be inspired by things that help you feel like a writer.
*Ideas come from experience, observation and imagination.
*Strongly believes in creating 20 minute character bios and flushing out an outline by hand. Wendy’s Pre-writing workout.
I must also SHOUT the exciting news…JEREMY FINK AND THE MEANING OF LIFE (I LOVE this book!) Will be coming out as a movie in 2011!!!!!! Wendy had some pictures of the actors on set and has even filmed a cameo scene in the movie!
Lunch time!!!! The food was yummy and thinking about it is making my tummy growl. I may have to take a break here and go find a snack. Promise to be back soon with Part II of the Eastern PA SCBWI Fall Philly Conference.
Paula Lesso says:
Yay Kim! Yes, you are a brilliant, focused writer who definitely did the right thing by rocking those revisions FIRST and getting your novel out there again. Thank you for posting about Fall Philly- look, there I am at the dinner table! Look forward to the rest WHEN you have time! And hey, I saved you from eating most of those sweet potato chips by hogging them myself. You're welcome.
On October 24, 2010 at 9:00 pm
Kimberly Sabatini says:
Woo Hoo! Thanks for the support and yes you were my chip partner in crime. LOL!!!!!!
On October 24, 2010 at 10:16 pm
Sandy Green says:
Thanks for a great post, Kim!
On October 25, 2010 at 2:13 am
Kimberly Sabatini says:
Thanks Sandy! Can't wait until we can get together again!
On October 25, 2010 at 2:54 am
Joyce Moyer Hostetter says:
You're making me jealous because I wasn't there. I miss Fall Philly since moving south.
On October 25, 2010 at 6:42 pm
Kimberly Sabatini says:
I can understand you missing it-Eastern PA is my surrogate SCBWI home. <3
On October 25, 2010 at 7:24 pm