February 7, 2011
| Baby Book Blogger, Blogging, Writing, Young Adult (YA)
Just like my Freaky Friday Interviews of aspiring authors, I’ve discovered that there’s a whole world of YA bloggers just starting out. I thought it would be fun to highlight some of these newbie bloggers because-lets face it-bloggers are freaky book lovers too and we should all work together in our quest to take over the world one YA book at a time.
I had the pleasure of meeting Jessica Kassees on Book Blogs. Jessica and I hit it off right away and that’s how the idea of a Baby Book Blogger interview was born. Baby? Born? You’re feeling the humor, right?
First can you tell us a little bit about your blog? What do you like to review and who is your target readership?
Be prepared…Welcome to the Strange Mind of Jessica. 😉
Go for it-we don’t scare easily. Remember who your talking to here. LOL!
On my blog,
The Simple Pleasure of Reading, the main genre that I review is Young Adult (YA) Fiction. I am planning on jumping onto the SteamPunk wagon, but have not had a chance to yet. I really enjoy most fiction books, as long as they have an element of romance…I know…I am SO demanding! I really like "adult" books as well…I promise! When I was in 8th grade my mom could not keep me out of her stash of Jude Deveraux any more, so I started reading those. Then that grew into me reading any and everything I could get my hands on. But I digress…
My blog is entertaining–I think– and I try to be informative on different topics that everyone wants to know about, like how to find advanced reader copies. My target readership is anyone that enjoys reading what I say…I am a bit weird and crazy, so I know not everyone can handle that. 😉
Then of course my second question would have to be…how did you get started as a book blogger and how long have you been doing it?
I am still considered a "baby blogger" since I JUST past my one month blogoversary. I started my blog so that I would have a place to ramble, because you see, I like to do that. Really my older sister encouraged me to start blogging because I really enjoy reading and talking non-stop. Then she showed me her blog and how fun it was and I kind of went on a rampage….as you can tell. I can’t believe that I have made so many friends in just over a month. This has truly been a great month doing two things that I totally love (reading and babbling).
I’m laughing because I can remember all those Jude Deveraux books too! I loved them. I think it is adorable that you’re a baby blogger. I remember what it feels like to be a "baby writer" and lets face it…I still have a lot of growing to do LOL! Hopefully this interview helps more people find you on line. I should also mention that Jessica’s sister, Holly Dodson, my guest for my last Freaky Friday Interview.
Of course I need to ask what you’re all time top 5 favorite books are. We must know that.
PARANORMALCY is my favorite because of
Kiersten White’s writing style. I love how the entire book has a funny overtone with a deep and dark undercurrent. It is so hard to find a book with so many layers that still makes sense.
I’ve got to interject-I love PARANORMALCY too! *jumps up and down clapping hands*
Ok, so my other 4 faves are definitely a trip down memory lane…
2) THE MORE I SEE YOU by Lynn Kurland
3) The TWILIGHT Saga by Stephenie Meyer
4) THE LOVELY BONES by Alice Sebold
5) ANGEL OF MERCY by Lurlene McDaniel
I’m a big fan of THE LOVELY BONES also. It really helped me to learn to think out of the box with my own writing. My next question would have to be–how do you handle reviewing a book that you really didn’t like and have you had that challenge yet?
I have already had to handle the not enjoying a book, I really am hard to please when it comes to my reading selection. Handling reviewing a book that I wasn’t so fond of is challenging to say the least. It puts a lot of pressure on me when I receive an advanced copy or a copy from the author. I always try to find the good and couple that with what I did not like, so that people still see that there were still good parts to the book. I also try to never give to much away in my reviews, I think spoilers are cheating the author out of their plot twist surprise. So even if I don’t like their twist, I won’t call them out on it explicitly…it just isn’t fair.
I think it has to be really hard to give an unfavorable review, but I also think in order for reviews to have meaning, you do have to have that kind of honesty with the people who are looking to you for advice. As an writer on Goodreads-I do not rate books. Everybody I read gets 5 stars and I think if something really turned me off, I just wouldn’t list it. But I’m coming from a very different place than you. So we each have our jobs to do. Speaking of jobs, is it hard to get advanced copies of books and author interviews as a "Baby Blogger"?
As a baby blogger is has not been too terribly difficult to get interviews and ARC’s. I just decided to read people’s books no matter what, self published, not published yet or whatever form they have them in, which has made it a lot easier to get advanced or free copies of books.
Sounds like you are well on your way.
Yes, the first month reader response has been fantastic! I have a great following and have been very happy with what I have accomplished so far.
Thank you so much. It has been really fun to welcome a Baby Book Blogger into the world. If you get a chance, stop by Jessica’s blog THE SIMPLE PLEASURE OF READING.
Do you have any burning questions or suggestions for brand new YA Book Bloggers?
Monica B.W. says:
Thanks for the interview! You know I LOVE to "meet" other YA writers 😀
On February 7, 2011 at 3:41 pm
Kimberly Sabatini says:
I LOVE meeting new folks in our very passionate YA book community. I'm lucky to know both of you lovely ladies! :o)
On February 7, 2011 at 3:54 pm
Linda G. says:
Thanks for the great interview!
Looks like you're well on your way, Jessica. Welcome to the blog world, Baby Book Blogger! 🙂
On February 7, 2011 at 4:08 pm
Kimberly Sabatini says:
Thanks Linda-Jessica will have to stop by your blog and check out all the fun she can have with the words in your verifictionary!
Ugh! Why can't I make it make a little linky?
On February 7, 2011 at 4:16 pm
Courtney Rene says:
Great interview.
On February 7, 2011 at 4:44 pm
Kimberly Sabatini says:
Thanks Courtney!!!!
On February 7, 2011 at 5:25 pm
Logan E. Turner says:
I love Jessica's blog! Great interview!
On February 8, 2011 at 2:29 am
Kimberly Sabatini says:
Woo hoo!!!!!
On February 8, 2011 at 3:38 am
microsoft outlook exchange says:
Lovely blog! and Wonderful interview!
On February 11, 2011 at 11:46 am
Kimberly Sabatini says:
Thanks so much *grin*
On February 11, 2011 at 12:06 pm