I would like to preface this blog by saying–I’m the Nit-Wit! This title should in no way lead anyone to believe that they are being called a Nit-Wit–unless–well–you know who you are and that’s a whole other issue. I’ve got my stink-eye pointed at you.
So, as resident Nit-Wit, I’ve been trying to figure out how to be a better blogger. I’d be lying if I said it had nothing to do with the fact that I’ve joined Michelle Wolfson of Wolfson Literary’s "Wolf Pack" ( A secret society of cut-throat, ninja bloggers.) You don’t believe me? Check this out…
*Kiersten White-author of PARANORMALCY
*Tawna Fenske-author of MAKING WAVES (hitting shelves August 2, 2011)
*Linda Grimes-ex-actress, former teacher and current writer of pure escapism.
Before I met these lovely ladies and their kick-butt blogs, I had a visual in my head. In my mind, my blog looked like this…
My blog had rhythm and was light on it’s feet. My blog was cool and fluffy with just a touch of glitter. It was a skinny blog too. *bubble bursting* Then I realized my blog was actually more like this…
Now, don’t get me wrong–there is something to be said for this kind of blog, but I’m not allowed to repeat it in public. *grin* While this is my FAVORITE scene in White Christmas, it doesn’t necessarily bode well for my blog. So what am I doing about it?
First off, I’m listening to the people who know more about blogging than me. Luckily for me, there are lots of people with successful blogs and they’re COOL enough to share that information with the Nit-Wits like me.
If you haven’t met Jackson Pearce, she is a kidlit blog/vlog queen. She is funny AND informative. Here is a sample of what she’s bringing to the table…
This is one of my favorites–I love it! Also be sure to catch the rest of her videos at the JacksonAPearce Channel of YouTube.
While her vlogs are eye candy, her blog is just as funny and informative. In this blog post Jackson takes her experiences and writes about The Fine Art of Blogging. I think #7 and #8 are really important to remember. Oh–and as an after thought– Jackson writes books too *grin* Don’t forget to check those out.
Another resource for successful blogging is Nathan Bransford.
Nathan was a Literary Agent with Curtis Brown Ltd. from 2002 until 2010 and he now works in the tech industry and has his first book coming out May 12, 2011!!!!! Nathan’s blog is a wealth of information for writers. If you want to improve your writing and your odds of getting published, you may want to spend some serious time going through his archives. I found this post about How to Write a Good Blog Comment. Feel free to practice these tips by leaving a comment below. *wink*
I just saw this blog post (on Twitter) about the Good Old-Fashioned Retweet. The Blog is Global Neighbourhoods by Shel Israel and is related to social media. He also has a book called Twitterville: How Business Can Thrive in the New Global Neighborhoods. If you are interested in practicing Shel’s theories on retweeting, please check out the attached button on the blog. This is not for me folks–it’s for you. *grin*
Last but not least, I hit a gold mine when I found Kristen Lamb author of We Are Not Alone: The Writer’s Guide to Social Media.
Kristen has a wonderfully informative blog with loads of helpful information about successfully navigating social media. What brought her to my attention was her 9 Part Blogging Series. (Thanks Amy) The link brings you to Part 6 and within that section there are links to Parts 1-5. You can easily find the rest among her recent posts. It is well worth checking out. Kristen also has an entry called Let’s Talk Platform-Why We Need One. There’s a lot to be learned on her site and I have her insights shipped (through Feedburner) to my inbox as soon as she writes them.
I bet you’re wondering what I’m doing to be a better blogger now that I’ve acquired so much good information. It’s a start, but here is my first major goal…
Blog with regularity. This is a priority and everyone stresses it. I’ve always thought that putting my writing first, excused the need to keep a schedule, but that’s not true. It demands that I have a better schedule. I’ve thought about when the best time is to write my blogs and I’m going to attempt to write all or most on the weekend leaving my weekdays for my regular writing. I’m now dedicating myself to three blog posts per week (M-W-F). I think I can manage this and not intrude on my writing life. I’ve also made a mental note that I do not always have to be such a blabber mouth and if I’m truly pressed for time, short and sweet may be refreshing change for everyone LOL!
Let me know if you found any of these resources helpful and if you have any suggestions or amazing links you can share with me it would be greatly appreciated.
IDA says:
Kim… I find all of your insights witty and insightful so when you share witty and insightful links I clamor, run and leap to read THOSE… for if the ever amusing Kim finds them valuable – I am quite sure I will as well… BLOG AWAY Kim and I will enjoy little peeks into your brain, and day and promise never to have you committed… much love this V-day my friend! -Ida
On February 14, 2011 at 1:19 pm
IDA says:
did i say i find your insights insightful!! i amuse myself with my lack of word connectivity this morning… love
On February 14, 2011 at 1:21 pm
Kimberly Sabatini says:
Hahahaha! I love it Ida and I love you! Don't worry, my am word connectivity is always a challenge. *grin*
On February 14, 2011 at 2:03 pm
Linda G. says:
Hey, I think your blog is just great! And I like the second fan-picture (with the guys) better, anyway. 🙂
I tried a 5-day-a-week blogging schedule for a while, but had to scale back to M-W-F myself. Gotta have SOME time for writing the books, huh?
In fact, I'm thinking of cutting back to twice a week, at least while I finish up my current WIP. It's the regularity that's important, not the quantity, or so I hear. Hope it's true!
On February 14, 2011 at 2:14 pm
Kimberly Sabatini says:
You caught me-I'm a fan of the second picture too LOL! Maybe the trick is to have all the fun of the second with the illusion of the first. I agree-its not how often, but how steady-according to what I've been told. Up until now, I've been a fly by the seat of my pants kind of a girl and so I needed to get organized a little. *grin* I agree though, without the WIP you're in trouble it is the difference between being a blogger and a writer with a blog. Both are awesome, but we know what are goal is at the end of the day! :o)
On February 14, 2011 at 2:39 pm
Amy says:
I'm glad you're enjoying that blog series – Kristen's blog is definitely on my must-read list. 🙂
Also, between to the two of us we're blogging every weekday! (Go, District 14!) I'm looking forward to more frequent posts from you.
On February 14, 2011 at 5:59 pm
Kimberly Sabatini says:
Woo hoo! :o)
On February 14, 2011 at 6:21 pm
Logan E. Turner says:
Awesome, awesome post!
On February 14, 2011 at 9:38 pm
Jessica A. Briones says:
Great post, very helpful for someone like me who is still trying to get the hang of this thing called blogging. I try very hard to blog 3 times a week, like you my days are M-W-F. I do already follow two of the blogs you mentions and now your's of course *wink*.
On February 14, 2011 at 9:56 pm
Kimberly Sabatini says:
Thanks guys-I'm learning right along with you! :o)
On February 14, 2011 at 9:58 pm
Francesca Amendolia says:
Regularity. As I strive for it in life, so ought I strive for it in my blogging. Oy. What particularly hit home was your comment that you'd been excusing a lack of regular posting because it interfered with writing. Yep. That's me. So it's not a good excuse, eh?
and woo-hoo again!
On February 15, 2011 at 2:06 pm
Kimberly Sabatini says:
Yeah, I'd been using that one for awhile. Sorry to take you with me on this trip to harsh reality LOL! Thanks for the Woo hoo!!! I'm collecting them for my dark and snarky days. *grin*
On February 15, 2011 at 3:41 pm
Monica B.W. says:
I LOVE that you make me laugh! And I agree with the rest: the second pic is great, too!
Also, when did you write this blog??? I mean, after your incredible weekend?? While being over cloud 9? LOL. You're amazing!
And I almost forgot: thanks for the great tips 😉
On February 15, 2011 at 4:42 pm
Kimberly Sabatini says:
I wrote it over the weekend-helped to do something focused LOL! Glad you liked the tips. :o)
On February 15, 2011 at 6:49 pm