My Indie Collection

February 11, 2011 |

Merritt Bookstore


I’m way overdue for some Indie love and there’s no better way to fix that problem than to introduce you to a bookstore that I’m in love with.  *sigh*  This is Merritt Bookstore in Millbrook, NY.  My ONLY complaint with Merritt is that they’re not located closer to my home.  When I say closer-what I really mean is on my little street.  Or in my backyard, so I could wander in with my PJ’s and coffee.  

I discovered Merritt at my local Eastern NY SCBWI Conferences.  Scott Meyer (the owner) runs the SCBWI Conference Bookstore and always does an amazing job.

You may have also heard me talking about the wonderful author workshops/author visits that Merritt hosts. 

This was one of two intimate workshops that I took with the amazing K.L. Going.  Kelly is also a former Merritt Bookstore employee. *grin*  How awesome is that?

I also got a hug and some inspiration from one of my other idols, Laurie Halse Anderson.  She was on book tour for Chains.  

Of course, every time I come, I head straight to my favorite section, the place were all the cool people hang out LOL!  Next year, when all my kids are in school full time–this should probably be on your list of places to send out the search party for me.  Its soooo cozy.

Of course my 10 year old is a crazy book lover like his mom, so he had to get in the picture.  We stopped by for his birthday.  I love that there is someone in my home and heart that gets all my nerdy book stuff.  *sigh*

I’m sure you want to run right out and visit Merritt Bookstore, but I also know it’s not that easy if you live far away.  Here are some ways that you can make a connection and support this wonderful bookseller, community member and advocate of authors…

The Merritt Bookstore Web site-order on-line and sign up for a newsletter.

Friend them on Facebook.

Follow them on Twitter.

Take a look at YouTube-author visits and more.

Merritt is also on Flickr.

Thanks for supporting our Independent Booksellers.  Do you have a favorite Indie Bookstore?  Come on-please share.  I really need to know for when I come to visit you.  *grin*


  1. Linda G. says:

    Oh, I do love a good indie bookstore, and Merritt looks fantastic! Wish is was closer to where I lived.

  2. Kimberly Sabatini says:

    Sistah Road Trip!!!!!! *grin*

  3. Meg, Caitlin and Laurie T says:

    Hi Kim,
    I also love Merritt and took the same K.L. Going class you did (from the pic above). Scott's a great guy and I enjoy the yearly Millbrook Book Fair weekend as well. Glad you have an agent!


  4. Kimberly Sabatini says:

    I'm looking forward to the Book fair this year!!!!! Merritt Rocks and that is sooo cool-can I start singing its a small world now? LOL!

  5. Carole says:

    Not only do I agree that Merritt Books is a really awesome and special bookstore, but the town of Millbrook is so wonderful as well. Make sure next time you're there to visit the Tribute Gardens and the Millbrook Diner. Merritt – Gardens – Diner – the trifecta of awesomeness! I have a 12 year old daughter who is a voracious reader, so I will be following your blog. 🙂

  6. Kimberly Sabatini says:

    Carole-the diner is yummy and the Tribute Gardens are now on my list of things to hit. My 10 year old goes to school at Kildonan so we are becoming more and more familiar with the area. Thanks so much for following the blog and tell your daughter I'm hoping to have a book for her to read some day. *grin* BTW a trifecta! I like the way you think.