Has Social Media Gone Too Far?

March 23, 2011 | Uncategorized

There is ALWAYS debate about social media. Is it good? Is it bad? For every point of view you can find 10 articles to support and disparage the use of it.  There are days when thinking about it makes me feel like this…

I"ll be honest.  I tend to enjoy my social media interactions, but I’ve recently read two blog posts by writers who’ve closed down their Facebook accounts.  They do make interesting arguments–Sarah Ockler and Stephanie Ruble.  

I don’t plan on jumping the social media ship at the moment, but it is a possibility that I might close down my personal FB page and move to having everything on my author page at some point.  But then again…

Any thoughts?


  1. Trish Doller says:

    It's funny you should post this while I've been paring down my twitter feed. I think there is a point when social media stops being social and starts being stressful and for each of us, it's a matter of finding that balance. Some of the people I unfollowed are lovely people–or at least I think they are because I don't really know them or actually interact with them–but it was really lovely to wake up this morning and see tweets that matter to me (like yours!)

    I don't think I'll ever get rid of facebook because I DO use it to connect with old real life friends and new Internet friends, but I do see that I have a lot of friends I don't even know. So I might try utilizing my author page more and take my personal account private. I don't know. It's a lot to think about, isn't it?!

  2. Monica B.W. says:

    I don't think I'll ever get rid of my FB account either, bc 90% of people there are my friends from high school and college 🙂

    But I totally understand what you mean! Sometimes there's no time for being so social–not because you don't want to, but because you just are so busy! Right?

  3. Tawna Fenske says:

    I think the big difference for me is that I got on Facebook solely as an author. Of course family and friends are on there and we banter occasionally, but it never has (and never will) become a substitute for real interactions with people I already interact with. Instead, it's a way to connect with those people I'd otherwise have zero contact with at all.


  4. Kimberly Sabatini says:

    I have so many friends on FB that I would never be in contact with on a regular basis and I love that I can know what they are doing and interact with them. High school, college, the military. This is a wonderful thing. I truly love that and I know I wouldn't want to give that up. I've also always had a really open door policy and that has been nice too-I've met lots of people and developed on-line friendships that I've really come to enjoy. Having said that-there are days that I hear people talk about the perils of being to public on-line and it freaks me out a little bit, but I can't imagine not being myself. Just like everything in life, there is a good side and a bad side right? And hey, when I'm writing-hit that full screen mode and get cracking. :o) I love hearing whatever one thinks.

  5. Kimberly Sabatini says:

    Trish-I forgot to mention…I use lists on tweet deck to allow me to narrow down my field of viewing so I can be friends with lots of people on twitter, but not miss the people that I want to watch closely. It's made a big difference on how active I am on Twitter.