Revision: Walk Softly and Carry a BIG Carrot!

April 27, 2011 | Uncategorized

Yesterday I hit another milestone.  I finished the first round of my first big revision for my editor.  *little cheer*  Don’t get too excited, it’s not done and ready to go yet, but it feels very good because all the major changes have been set in motion.  The bones are in place.  Now I’m left to deal with the fine-tuning, fleshing-out, trimming, elaborating, weaving, hole-plugging and the butterfly effect.  We all know what that is–alter one little thing and there is an avalanche of small changes to accommodate that bigger adjustment.  

Part of knowing how to make all those secondary fixes is using beta readers.  Or as I like to call them–my “Crit Crew.”  Think of a Pit Crew for writers.  They do so much.  They catch the obvious like spelling, grammar and words that Kim just decided to make up.  They tell you when they’re confused and why.  They squeal with delight, letting you know you’re on the right path and sometimes they look at you and say…WHAT THE HECK WERE YOU THINKING???  (This is always a fun traumatizing time in the revision process.)

This kind of slap upside the writer’s head usually comes in earlier drafts of the story.  It’s an important wake-up call.  When several people in your Crit Crew tell you that the purple sparkly vampire cows have to go, you start to get a theme, a strong sense of what direction your writing must travel.  (Even if you secretly think that the purple sparkly vampire cows are the next big thing.)

But thankfully, I’m not at that “get slapped upside my head” phase in my revision.  I don’t think there are too many purple sparkly vampire cows left to vanquish at this point.  *phew*  But I’m finding that there is something new to learn from the Crit Crew…

I’ve worked VERY HARD to learn how to take constructive criticism about my writing.  Trust me, this is a life long challenge and I’m still learning.  If you know me well, you shook your head when I decided to go into a field where constant rejection would be my best friend.  You may have suggested stock in a tissue factory. In my humble opinion, I think I’ve grown tremendously.  I think that I’ve improved this area of weakness in my writing and in my life. But now I’ve got to do something different.  I have to learn when to say no.  Because despite my inability to be criticized, I’m also a people pleaser.  (Umm yes, a lovely combination.)  Now I have to figure out what changes will mean improvement and which ones need to stay because they are my VOICE. So easier said than done.

When I start to get overwhelmed, I come back to one very simple and UTTERLY FRIGHTENING PREMISE –there are always going to people who don’t like part or all or my book and *gasp* even me. *head thunk*  I can’t control this.  I know, because I did the research just incase new discoveries in the field of mind control have been made.  So what can I do?????

The only thing I can.  I remember that it was my voice and my way of thinking that wrote this book to start with.  After all the advice and suggestions and personal growth have been done–I can stand by me.

No, I won’t be afraid maybe just a little bit afraid, just as long as you stand by me…

And if that doesn’t work–walk softly and carry a BIG carrot.

So what do you need to stand by?


  1. Linda G. says:

    Yay, you! One step at a time. 🙂

    And I love "Crit Crew"! That's a great metaphor for what good CPs do: help get your "vehicle" in top shape to win that race to the bookshelves at your local bookstore.

  2. roxanne says:

    Proud to be part of your Crit Crew! And feel free to ignore all my advice. LOL Your voice is great, stay true to it. Oh and you should make your crew wear matching T-shirts (ones that change slogans at will 😉

  3. Linda says:

    Kim, it's an honor to be part of your "Crit Crew" – & you know I'll always stand by you & your excellent writing! ♥

  4. Kimberly Sabatini says:

    Awwww love you guys too! You guys give so much amazing help and insight that I'm the luckiest girl in the world. If I could make those T-shirts happen I'd be loving it!!!!!

  5. Regge Ridgway says:

    Great blog and post. Glad I found you. Am following. See you on twitter. My blog is Thanks. Reggie Ridgway

  6. Kimberly Sabatini says:

    Thanks Regge-that is soooo sweet! See you on twitter and I'll check out your blog. :o)