40 Years of SCBWI: Why You Should Be A Member

May 16, 2011 |

I was reading the May/June 2011 SCBWI Bulletin this weekend and I realized that I am so proud to be a member of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators.  I know that there are a ton of you who feel the very same way, but there are also so many of you who want to know why they should join this organization.  I thought we might all ban together to give you the reasons.  

The article I was reading starts off by saying…“We in SCBWI are a tribe of storytellers, by word and image. We are in the business of identifying and sharing truths of one kind or another.”

I don’t know about you, but that was enough to give me goose bumps.  I have a tribe.  But it’s not simply a group of like minded people who gather together–this is more.  When I think of the SCBWI, I picture a really hard obstacle course where the only way to make it to the finish line is for the group to stand on each others shoulders.  Sometimes you might be the person of strength, pushing someone up and over.   Other times you just might need a hand getting on your feet.  But no matter what you’re strengths or weaknesses–there is always trust.

This year the Society of Children’s Writers and Illustrators is celebrating 40 amazing years.   I already have hundreds and hundreds of unforgettable SCBWI moments and get chills just day dreaming about my first LA Conference in August.  But I thought I would share a recent amazing moment…

At this year’s NY Winter Conference, I was in attendance to hear Sara Zarr’s keynote speech.  I’ll never forget how she talked about her tribe.  How proud I was to be a part of something so good.   I’ll never forget the energy that filled the room when we all jumped to our feet to give Sara a standing ovation.  We were inspired.  We were connected.

We are a tribe, we have a history and it is a gift.

Please take a moment to remember what the SCBWI means to you and to convince those lurkers that it’s time to come home…


  1. Linda G. says:

    Sounds very cool, but as I don't write for children or teens, I guess I'll have to pass. 🙂

  2. Shadonna says:

    Great blog post, Kim! I will be joining! 🙂
    (PS. I'm your newest follower)

  3. Kimberly Sabatini says:

    OMG!!! Thank you for saying that-you made my day!!!! You'll love the SCBWI!!!!!

    Linda-We'll make you honorary. :o)

  4. Jodi says:

    I am a proud, card-carrying member of the SCWBI tribe. *grin* I can only hope that I can hold as many on my shoulders as those who have "lifted" me…in knowledge, guidance, inspiration and spirit! I could not do what I do without all of my writer buddies, without the support of SCBWI. Thanks for posting this, Kim. Can't wait for LA! *squeeeeee*!!!

  5. Maureen McGowan says:

    I'm a brand new member, but already proud to be part of the tribe. 🙂

  6. Kimberly Sabatini says:

    That's girl Maureen!!! Welcome to the tribe. Jodi…*squeeeeeee*!!!!!!

  7. dampscribbler says:

    I just joined!!!! Squeee!

  8. Kimberly Sabatini says:

    Woo Hoo!!!! That is AWESOME!!!!!