Bless Our Show and Our Books

November 4, 2011 | , , ,

It’s that time of year again.  No, I don’t mean NaNoWriMo.  For me, November is for dance.  My local dance studio, where I grew up dancing and now teach and still take class has it’s annual recital every year in November.  It’s been–lets just say–awhile since my first performance. LOL!

Yeah, I started out as a Can-Can Girl.  And I still remember parts of that dance and have the costume.  Can you tell this stuff doesn’t mean anything to me.  *grin*

Well, the recital isn’t for a couple weeks yet, but our stage rehearsal is TOMORROW!!!!  And can I let you in on a little secret?  I think I love rehearsal day the best.  It’s exciting, yet relaxed.  I get to see all the new dances for the first time.  There’s an audience, but they’re my peers.  And I love watching the newest dancers put it together for the first time.  Watching someone discover what it’s like to dance on stage is like watching magic happen.

So, in my mind, the show starts tomorrow.  And if that’s the case we should probably bless our show…

If you are a local yokel like me, tickets for the show are on sale at the studio.  They sell out every year, so don’t wait.  I you check out the show, you’ll get to see me and my “sisters” Bless our Show on November 18th and 19th.  Lots of fun–I promise!

And because I can’t resist talking about writing, remember that 2012 is right around the corner.  It won’t be long until the Apocalypsies and Class of 2k12 books hit the book shelves.  And in fact, many are already making the rounds as ARC’s (Advanced Reader Copies.)  I’ve had the pleasure of getting a sneak peek at many of the books and 2012 is going to put on quite a show!

What book are you looking forward to the most in 2012?  (And while I appreciate the love–you can’t say TOUCHING THE SURFACE.)  Although feel free to stop by Goodreads and add it to your To-Be-Read list.  (((hugs)))


  1. Linda G. says:

    That is an adorable picture of you!

    And, gosh, I'm looking forward to so many books in 2012! Yours, of course. (Sorry, I just had to say it.) Emily Hainsworth's THROUGH TO YOU and Tiffany Schmidt's SEND ME A SIGN, to name a few more.

  2. Monica B.W. says:

    OMIGOSH!! That pic is ABSOLUTELY adorable!

    Okay, and I'm sorry, but I'll break your rules. I can't wait until TOUCHING THE SURFACE is out and everybody can read it–I think my mom is going to love it. I'm really excited about that!

    And okay. I'm waiting on FEVER. (Wither #2) 😀