Sneaky Monday

December 26, 2011 | ,

Sneaky, sneaky Monday. I was just ready to settle down for a long winter’s nap and BAM!!!! I realized tomorrow is Monday–aka blogpost day. *head thunk* And not that I don’t love my blog, but seriously I’m in a food coma right now and my lap top did that same thing it did a couple weeks ago and it just shut down Grrrrr. Yes, I’ll be hitting the Genius Bar at the Apple store ASAP! So why am I still in such a jolly mood? Well, I had a great Christmas and I’m still able to get this blog post out to you on my iPad!!!! Yeah, I’m in love. I had no idea how much I was going to enjoy this little baby. Think I’m going to have to name this little guy George. Unless you have a better name. :o)So, to celebrate sneaky Monday…tell me what was your favorite gift of the Holiday season.

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