So, I’m writing this post pre-conference because I know how tired I’ll be when I get back on Sunday evening, but surprisingly…I’m tired now too. Ya know–from all that packing and the dirty rotten cold that I’ve been fighting with all week. So, before I take some Nyquil and fall asleep, I thought I’d share with you some of my best packing tips for a conference since they’re fresh in my mind. Yes, I know this post would have been fantastic about a week ago, but I wasn’t packing then. Think about it as a well-prepared post for all those spring conferences coming up. Now on to it…
1. Dress in layers-you never know what the temp in the room is going to be like and it can change from room to room.
2. Wear comfortable shoes. Your fancy shoes should be comfortable and then also bring a REALLY comfortable pair and plan your outfit around them for Sunday–because by then your feet hate you. Also for Sunday’s outfit–I’ve learned to wear a really cool shirt (like a short sleeve) as my base layer because often that is book signing/I’ve already checked out of my room day and you are carrying enough stuff to make a pack mule look dainty. And because of that you might sweat…a little. I’ve learned this the hard way–trust me!
3. Pack enough chocolate for you and all your friends. I feel this should be self explanatory. If it is not, we will schedule a private tutorial.
3. If you already have books from an author that you want to get signed–pack them! Sounds like a no brainer, but you’d be surprised at how many times I’ve forgotten mine. Grrrr
4. Camera!!!! Especially if you have family and/or blog. For the family–(private use only) I try to take pics of things that I couldn’t possible adequately explain to them. If you’re blogging about the conference, your reader will get so much out of having visuals to go with your recap. I personally feel it really makes a difference and I know I always gravitate to the recaps with l0ts of eye catching pics.
5. Pack a sturdy bag for all the books you buy. You always think you might not buy so many but when a speaker talks about a book it becomes personal and it’s hard to resist buying it.
6. A list (even if it’s a mental one) of gifts that you might need to give. An author signed book is great for family and friends, charity (I get one or two for my children’s school library) or for a contest on your blog.
7. BRING BUSINESS CARDS!!!! I can’t stress this enough. Part of the fun of a conference is meeting wonderful new friends. You want these new friends to be able to stay in touch. I’ve meet the BEST PEOPLE EVER at my conferences.
8. These next items are going to be light in your suitcase but they are still important to bring with you–an open mind. Take it all in. Take notes. Take time to digest it. Let it all wash over you.
10. Bring kindness–not everyone packs #9 when they prepare for a conference, especially their first one. Be a friend. Do not let people eat alone, sit on the sidelines or feel like they do not belong. It costs you nothing to be kind, thoughtful and to remember what it felt like when you lack confidence. Be a leader.
I’ll be back on Wednesday with some after-action conference review. In the meantime, what’s your favorite conference tip? Did any of my tips make your to-do list? Do you have a link to a review of the conference you’d like to share? Come on–give me something because *yawn* I need to stay awake.
LindaG. says:
They all look great to me. Especially #10. 🙂
On January 31, 2012 at 9:45 am
Kim says:
Of course you would like #10…that’s how you treated me when I joined the Wolf Pack. You are awesome and I’m so happy that you’re in my life.
On January 31, 2012 at 10:48 am