So You Think You Can Dance with the Boys in the Basement and Gravity

March 9, 2012 | ,

My work in progress is never far from my mind, even on the days when I don’t get to sit down and officially put the words to paper. *like yesterday…grrrrrr*  But I try not to get frustrated because just like Stephen King–I have my “boys in the basement”– hard at work when I’m doing other things.  I love those “boys” because they’re  always working, listening, dreaming, imagining, wondering, deciding, cutting, searching and discovering what’s inside of me–even when Im sleeping. There is a price to keep them happy–they’re hungry little guys–and must be fed a diet of creative and stimulating things–like music and dance.  This was the very first song on THE OPPOSITE OF GRAVITY playlist and I can remember loving the fact that it showed up on the SYTYCD show. I was blown away by the performance–the movement–the expressions. The dance story isn’t a perfect match for the story in my head, but there’s something about the heart and soul of it that resonates with me and what I’m writing…


Plus…I’m really missing So You Think You Can Dance right now. *sighs and taps foot*

What about you? Anxiously awaiting SYTYCD? I have a ton of “favorite” performances from the show, but I’m curious to know which ones you love best. Come on…spill.


  1. Emberchyld says:

    Oh! That was a beautiful one! SYTYCD is always on during ballet class, so I’m constantly behind on my watching. I’m a sucker for contemporary, so it’s incredibly hard to choose my favorites (didn’t stop me from hunting YouTube for them, though!):

    “Total Eclipse of the Heart”: It’s the leap-and-catch at the end that cinches this one for me

    And while I’m not a Mia Michaels fan, I did get teary eyed during the flower dance:

    (And, of course, my favorite non-SYTYCD dance has to be a contemporary that one of my teachers gave us a few years ago, to “Hero and Leander.” That dance made me so emotionally and physically exhausted that you had to peel me off of the floor. I love how dance can be so powerful that way!)

  2. LindaG. says:

    I have pretty much avoid SYTYCD so far. I love to watch dancing, but the last thing I need is another distraction fairy. *grin*