Truth or Dare–The Price of Being a teamTEENauthor!!!!

March 14, 2012 | , , , ,

Truth or Dare Challenge

So exciting! I’m attempting to join a new group of young adult authors called teamTEEN author (the brain child of  Julie Cross–author of  TEMPEST) In order to get the secret password into this new club and a shiny virtual medal…
(You know you want one too) I have decided to brave the Truth or Dare Challenge. Dum, dum, dum, dum. Why? Because I really want to be a part of this exciting new group–particularly because of  The Perfect Ten!!!!  What is The Perfect Ten you ask?

They are a hand-picked group of young adults who have been given an ARC of Touching the Surface for their ARC Relay!!!! You can learn more about The Perfect Ten by clicking on the link above. They look extremely cool. Yup-that’s ten amazing reasons why I should risk public humiliation. It sounds worth it to me.

So here’s how it’s going down. You dear reader, get to post a question for me to answer truthfully AND a dare. I will pick one–and I’ll either answer your question or take on your dare. If I do the dare I will post proof!! If I chicken out, I have to post a chicken pic on my blog for a week…sigh

So hit me with your best shot–teamTEENauthor–here I come!!!!


  1. Julie Cross says:

    Yay!! I’m so glad you’re joining and The Perfect 10 is super excited about TOUCHING THE SURFACE! I’m thinking up a dare, so I might be back later 🙂

  2. J. Anderson Coats says:

    Truth: What’s the one thing you did as a kid/teen that you never want your kids to find out about?

    Dare: Go to a grocery store and hand out bookmarks to the first twenty people who walk in the door.

    • Kim says:

      Hmmmmm thinking…

      • Kim says:

        When I was in elementary school I tried to make a kid eat dog poop by telling him it was chocolate. *hangs head in shame* HE DIDN”T DO IT!!!! Please don’t tell my kids!!!!! Ummm still may hand out bookmarks at the grocery store. Sounds kinda fun!!!!

  3. Gina Rosati says:

    Good one, J.!! And Kim, if you chicken out, I have a friend who raises literary chickens (she exchanges a blog from a famous author for the privilege of naming a chick after them) You could have a picture of “A.S. King” on your blog for a week!!

  4. LindaG. says:

    Oooh, fun!

    Let’s see…

    Question: What was your most embarrassing crush?

    Dare: Post of video of yourself dancing the Macarena.

    (Do feel free to do both!)

  5. LindaG. says:

    I suppose that question should have been “who” was your most embarrassing crush. Then again, I didn’t want to limit you. 😉

    • Kim says:

      Hmmmm most embarrassing crush? At one point…and yes, I know I’m dating myself…I really was in love with the male cast of the LOVE BOAT!!!! I looked forward to that show every week. *sigh* Sorry…you asked.

  6. ashelynn hetland says:

    so excited for TOUCHING THE SURFACE!! 🙂 Was thrilled when Julie sent an email saying Michelle was sending an ARC for the relay. I can never come up with dares, but I think you should do J’s!

    • Kim says:

      Ashelynn–I was completely pumped too!!!! Especially to find out that you guys were so excited. I’m covered in bruises from pinching myself. It doesn’t get more exciting than this. J’s dare may just have to happen!!!!

  7. Monica G Lopez says:

    I never tell people to pick Truth. They ALWAYS go against my dares so this dare is entirely up to you but it would be WICKED AWESOME SAUCE if you did it 🙂

    The Dare . . .Well, since Easter Day AKA Easter Sunday is coming up this April. I dare you to dress up like a bunny . . .

    Side note: The costume can be a cheap pair of bucked teeth with you holding a carrot to a elaborate almost-Halloweeney bunny costume but entirely up to you 🙂

    . . .and just greet random people down the block, at the mall, at a park, etc, etc on April 9th, Easter Sunday. So, there you have it. 🙂 Remember this dare is ENTIRELY up to you. 😀

  8. Erin says:

    Truth: Who was your favourite singer in high school?

    Dare: Do the chicken dance in a very public place. Where lots of people can see you. And film it because I want to see 😉

  9. Julie Cross says:

    Holy cow…you’ve got some great dares. There is an option for a gold star if you do an extra dare. People do anything for a Gold Star, right?

  10. Adam Leonard says:

    Hi Kim!

    So glad you are joining teenTEAMauthor! TOUCHING THE SURFACE looks very neat; I look forward to reading it! Hope you get an easy truth or dare!

    Adam Leonard

  11. Colleen Clayton says:

    Truth: What are your three favorite 2012 releases? Dare: Go to your local grocer with your three fave releases and have your picture taken with the books in front of the egg cooler…to show that you are NOT (technically, anyway!) chicken. Have fun! :)Colleen Clayton

    • Kim says:

      THE FAULT IN OUR STARS by John Green
      HOW TO SAVE A LIFE by Sara Zarr
      TOUCHING THE SURFACE by Me…because how do you not love a dream come true. <3

      • Julie Cross says:

        I haven’t read TOUCHING THE SURFACE YET, but your first 2 are some of my all time favorite YA books, not just 2012. From now on, I’m coming to you for book recommendations because we have similar tastes.