It’s a Baby Book Blogger–Jessica Baker of Just A Booklover

June 18, 2012 | , ,

Just like my Freaky Friday Interviews of aspiring authors, I’ve discovered that there’s a whole world of YA bloggers just starting out. I thought it would be fun to highlight some of these newbie bloggers because-lets face it-bloggers are freaky book lovers too and we should all work together in our quest to take over the world one YA book at a time. Today’s newbie blogger is Jessica Baker of Just a Booklover. Jessica and I are both native New York Staters so we absolutely hit it off as soon as we started talking, but let me share with you a million other reasons why you should get to know her too…

Could you tell me a little about you and how you came to be a blogger?
Well, I’m Jessica. I love to read (not surprising) and when I’m not reading, I like to write in my free time. It amuses me. You know, writing the story I would most like to read and all. I have three brothers and three nephews. I grew up in Buffalo, New York and lived there a majority of my life. Now I live in Texas where I read books, do schoolwork, and blog my booty off.

I became a blogger because I wanted to tell people what I thought of books. In school and at home, I’d always look around on B&N’s website and see the reviews posted and thought that I wanted to do that too–write things about a book for everyone to see and listen to when they are deciding whether or not to read or buy a book. But I was too lazy then and kept putting off actually making a blog, telling myself I’d do it later. But then one day one Twitter, Sarah Rees Brennan (author of The Demon’s Lexicon trilogy) posted a link to someone who gave The Demon’s Lexicon a bad review. (She liked the title of the post, so she decided to post the link.) I read the review and disagreed one million and twelve percent. I had LOVED The Demon’s Lexicon and had just finished the other two books in the trilgy, too. Again, they were amazing. Plus, the person that wrote the bad review hadn’t even finished the book and that kind of made me mad because how can you judge a whole book of you had only read a part of it? But that’s not the point. The point is that I started my blog so I could post a review of The Demon’s Lexicon trilogy that I believed was much more appropriate. It was the first review I’d ever written, and I kept at it on my new pretty blog ever since. (Well, the blog hasn’t always been pretty, but still. Improvements have been made, thank goodness.)

I love how you got started with a fiery passion! Who has had an influence on you in the blogging community. What have they taught you? Who do you look up to?

I HAVE to start this by mentioning Anna. Anna is my blogging idol. She has her own blog (obviously) called Literary Exploration and I look up to her the most out of any other bloggers. If I ever got to choose anyone to be my blogging big sister, Anna would be my pick without a question. She actually helped me with what to ask on my first author interview (being posted on June 8) and has given me a helpful blogging tip or two :). After Anna, I’d probably say there’s Jana. She has a blog called The Book Goddess and she’s the wonderful person who designed my blog badge. It is so gorgeous and perfect and I’ll love her forver for it! Plus, we’re on a DeamonInvasion team together, and she is always helpful with things when I ask her for help. Next we have Kreag who is super nice, and has a blog called I Devour Books. He helped me decide on whether or not to review a book one time and we’ve been friends ever since. Now we have Monica from Cover Analysis 🙂 She is one of my very best blogger friends. She’s let me borrow a book, I’ve sent her extra swaggish-things, and I made a button for her meme “What I Got.” We are also working on a challenge together. I’m not going to bore y’all with the details, but . . . yeah.

I think it’s awesome that they have taken you under their wing. Everyone has to start somewhere and I’m really impressed with their mentoring. Two thumbs up! What advice would you give new book bloggers? Is there any big mistakes you’ve made that they should avoid?
Don’t be shy about asking other bloggers for help if you’re confused about something. From what I’ve seen so far, most bloggers are super nice, and though they have AMAZING BLOGS, they aren’t as intimidating to talk to as you think they’ll be. They’re normal people, just like you and me, who love books. Another thing, don’t get to down about your number of followers. Gaining them seriously takes time, and at the moment, I still don’t have that many. You should always post as if a whole bunch of people are looking at what you write because who knows? Maybe someone will drop by, like what they see, and follow your blog. You wouldn’t want to dissuade them with poor writing. Last, don’t be afraid to experiment with your design. It took me somewhere around a month to find a blog design I liked and then even more time to decide on organization and I’m STILL moving things around.
I think you are adorable and I LOVE your positive attitude! What do you want to see from author/blogger relationships and interactions, considering they are always growing and changing?I just really like to see bloggers and authors friendly with each other and helping each other out. Like this interview–you help out newbie bloggers like little ole me. And you do this for other bloggers, too. And bloggers tell people about authors’ books. I like when authors are nice and acknowledge bloggers for what they do–even if it’s in a small way, like retweeting a tweet about a review of their book. It seems small, but to me that kind of thing means a lot. I LOVE when authors go one step further and actually read my reviews. That’s not really necessary, though. The RTing thing was good enough for me. I’m not picky about that kind of thing.


(((hugs))) I think we are all at our best when we’re helping each other out. Now I need to know your top 5 most loved books that have had an impact on you and why.


This question kills me! I’m just going to do top 5 most loved books AT THIS EXACT MOMENT, because my intense feelings for particular books change over time. As I read more things, one book could get bumped out by another book or something.
5. The Selection by Keira Cass. I just finished reading this book a couple days ago and this book made me so happy. I have to say the impact it has on me was just amazing-ness. Like, so good I was sad it was over. (My teams are important – Team Maxon.)
4. The Strange Angels series by Lili St. Crow, or if I have to pick just one of them, I’ll go with Jealousy. Or maybe Defiance. I adored this series. Dru is a stunning protaganist and Christophe is one of my favorite attractive male characters. This series is over, but I really wish it wasn’t. I was elated when I got the last book this past Christmas, though. A happy day, right there. (Team Christophe, obiviously.)
3. The Hunger Games Trilogy by Suzanne Collins. Do you even have to ask what it is about this book? Well, there’s . . . urm . . . Peeta. And a lot of fun killing things. And epic archery. And Peeta. And Cinna. And Haymitch. And parts that make me laugh. And Peeta. And parts that make me cry. And Peeta. And parts that make me want to slap somebody. And did I mention Peeta? Hehe. (Team Peeta, CLEARLY.)
2. Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi. This book was glued to my fingers from the moment I began reading it to the moment I finished. And all the while, I was crying inside because I kept getting nearer to the end. When a book has that kind of power over me, it gets on lists like these 😉 (I’m not too sure what team I’m on yet.)
1. Under the Never Sky by Veonica Rossi. This book surprised me because I didn’t think it would be anywhere near as epic as it was. But then I read it, and . . . well it’s number one on my list. And I’ve read a few books since then. I think that should speak for itself. Oh, and Perry. And Roar. Just saying. (There’s only really one team to pick here. . . PERRY.)
Quick statement: Divergent by Veronica Roth was almost on this list, but got bumped out a couple days ago by The Selection. But I love Divergent, too. Erudite all the way!

Thank you so much for asking me to do this interview!

Yay!!! Happy to see some Apocalypsies on you list!!! I know what you mean about favorites always changing…there are just so many good books out there. And Jessica–thank you for taking the time to hang out on my blog. It has been lovely getting to know you better. Make sure you stop by Jessica’s blog Just A Booklover. You can also find her on Twitter as @makesmeworse12.


  1. LindaG. says:

    Snap! Jessica and I have a lot in common. I grew up in Texas, have three brothers, and like to write the books I’d love to read because that’s what amuses me.

    Good luck with your book blog AND your writing, Jessica! 🙂