Tomorrow TOUCHING THE SURFACE launches in the middle of Frankenstorm–Hurricane Sandy.
I can’t say I’m surprised. In fact, secretly I’ve been expecting just this kind of cataclysmic event. Why would anyone anticipate an epic perfect storm on the day of their book launch? Because little do you know dear reader–I am a Griswald.
I clearly remember it–my parents coming home from seeing the first National Lampoon Vacation movie, laughing uncontrollably, with my mother snorting as she announced, “they’ve made a movie about your father.”
That’s where it began. It wasn’t long before National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation became our family must see holiday movie of choice. And when we crossed our arms and said, “C-l-a-r-k….” My dad responded as quickly as if we’d called him by his real name. And every time we pulled out of the driveway on vacation, the song Holiday Road played loudly on everyone’s inner radio and we’d all take a collective breath, wondering what Griswaldish event would happen first. Because we knew that it was inescapable.
Just so you know, being a Griswald isn’t all fun and games. There have been many Clark inspired events that we learned to laugh about later, because let me assure you, they didn’t seem funny at the time. Like that time we all ate at the Turkey Box during vacation and on the way back to the hotel room (the one that only had one bathroom) we all exhibited some rather aggressive stomach grumbling. And I wish I could show you a video, because yes, my dad did race his own kids to the room while clutching the seat of his pants. See what I mean, not funny at the time, but a keeper that’s told during almost every family get together. But over the years, these Griswald moments, have taught me some very important stuff–like how humor can be an after-the-fact, acquired taste. Which has further led me to believe that sometimes it’s easier to just go with the flow and find the Griswaldian stuff funny straight out of the gate, saving myself a little stress and a lot gray hair.
So, Hurricane Sandy aka Frankenstorm will be Griswalding my very first book launch. Ya know–for the book that’s dedicated to my dad–Clark. *snort* I will not be going for a run and hi-fiving a random stranger like I planned. I will not be road tripping to local bookstores like I planned. I may not even be obsessively stalking the internet like I planned. LOL! But you know what–I will be doing the one thing I always dreamed about–taking the literary world by storm! LOL!
So, I’m depending on you, my friends. As I said, there is a very good possibility that I’ll have little to no internet access the day of my book launch, so I’m hoping you can help me get the word out. And if you’re on the east coast–stay safe so we can laugh about this later. Love you, guys and I hope you love TOUCHING THE SURFACE. <3
PS if you are battening down the hatches against Frankenstorm–charge that e-reader and at 12:01 tonight–download a copy of TOUCHING THE SURFACE to help you ride out the storm. Don’t forget to hum Holiday Road…
Eileen Feldsott says:
You’ll have a fab launch DESPITE the storm, Kim! My hard copy shipped from Amazon yesterday and I’ll be charging my phone in the car if I have to so I can read my digital version on Kindle app!
On October 29, 2012 at 11:15 am
Kim says:
Love it!!!!! Love you!!!!!
On October 29, 2012 at 12:08 pm
Laurie T (ReaderGirls) says:
I’m so glad I picked up a copy of your book on Saturday! Now I can read it with my lantern. Sandy won’t stop your book getting out there Kim! Your interview will run on Reader Girls tomorrow (yay!) and next weekend will officially be Kimberly Sabatini in Dutchess County! Congratulations and be safe:)
And thanks for a most excellent Shop Talk meeting with Jennifer L.!
On October 29, 2012 at 11:42 am
Kim says:
Woo hoo!!!!! Thank YOU for everything. :o)
On October 29, 2012 at 12:08 pm
Aurelia Blue says:
Not to make light of the seriousness of a storm like this, but do think your dad and the man upstairs are working together to send you a sign? A good sign. And by that, I mean one you’ll recognize as uniquely Grizwaldishly all your own? 😉
You go, girl! Take that world by storm! I can’t wait to read it.
On October 29, 2012 at 12:15 pm
Kim says:
The thought has crossed my mind LOL! By the way–today was my grandmother’s birthday (my dad’s mom) and her nickname was Stormy LOL!
On October 29, 2012 at 3:24 pm
Aurelia Blue says:
Omigosh…. delicious chills. I just L<3VE that!
On October 29, 2012 at 9:13 pm
Kim says:
On October 29, 2012 at 9:59 pm
Monica B. W. (@Monica_BW) says:
I’ll have power to tweet for you if you don’t! LOVE YA BUNCHES!!! Can’t wait for tomorrow!! <33 And stay safe!!
On October 29, 2012 at 2:40 pm
Kim says:
LOVE YOU TOO!!!!!!!!! <3 Always sistahs!!!!
On October 29, 2012 at 3:24 pm
Elie says:
Ive got a release day post all set up to go in the AM! Very excited for you!
On October 29, 2012 at 7:41 pm
Kim says:
Thank you!!!!!! So far the power is still on. This wind is incredible though. Boys are sleeping in the basement because it’s so loud.
On October 29, 2012 at 9:52 pm
Mere Joyce says:
Kimberly! A storm cannot stop you and your amazingness! I’ve held off getting my copy because I wanted to go to the book store and see it on the shelf, and now I officially can!(!!!!) Will definitely let my followers know that you are released, and just think…now readers everywhere can remember your release day in all its stormy, Griswaldy awesomeness.
Stay safe and dry!
On October 30, 2012 at 6:32 pm
Kim says:
On November 1, 2012 at 10:51 am