I don’t know how the holiday spirit works for you, but I have what I like to call my inner holiday elf. He fights with my inner procrastinator, my inner bah-humbugger and my mother (just kidding) to get everything that needs to be done, done for the holiday season. He’s like Doby the house elf, but he’s only around from Thanksgiving until the New Year and he poops glitter. It just so happens that I have a picture of him right here (sans glitter–that would be rude)…
His name is George and it’s his goal is to make the holiday merry and bright for me and my family and friends. This year, because George is an overachiever, part of his merry-making involves a deep desire to get a copy of TOUCHING THE SURFACE under every Christmas Tree, Menorah or Kinara. The problem is, that’s a lot of work for such a little guy. He can’t do it alone. I’ve looked into other options and unfortunately, getting a supplementary inner holiday elf isn’t possible. You should see the paper work involved. *head thunk* But wait–there is still hope. In the spirit of the holiday season, Oblong Books & Music has volunteered to deliver signed copies of TOUCHING THE SURFACE to your doorstep in time for your holiday gift giving extravaganza or for your post-holiday collapse in front of the fireplace, where only a cozy read will do. Yay!!!
Here’s how you can get a signed copy of TOUCHING THE SURFACE and save the life of an overworked inner holiday elf at the same time…
I’ll be at Oblong Books & Music by mid-day on 12/14 to personalize any copies that you would like and then they’ll be shipped to you in time for the holidays!!!!! In addition to getting a signed copy of my book, you’ll have helped to support a wonderful indie bookstore and you’ll be revered by all inner holiday elves EVERYWHERE. Completely cool. Additional glitter will be consumed in your honor. *smooches*
Of course, George and I would also love it if you’d help to spread the word. Thank you so much.
Now that we’ve encouraged books sales, the support of indie bookstores and spread kindness to inner holiday elves everywhere, we can move on to the fun portion of this blog. Love glitter? Hate glitter? Where is the most unique spot you’ve managed to find glitter residue? Any tricks for removing hard-to-remove glitter?
Lynsey Newton says:
Sadly, it’s a little too far for me to travel from the UK but I do believe that some magical fairies from the Amazon are going to deliver it for me when it becomes available 🙂
On November 28, 2012 at 11:53 am
Kim says:
Equally as fabulous!!!! Thank you!
On November 28, 2012 at 12:08 pm
Linda G. says:
Well, I could tell you the most unique place I’ve found glitter, but then you might have to up the rating on your blog. 😉
Love the elf!
On November 28, 2012 at 4:41 pm
Kim says:
On November 28, 2012 at 5:44 pm