Class of 2k12/13 in the Spotlight–MILA 2.0 by Debra Driza with an ARC Giveaway!!!!

December 17, 2012 | , , , , ,

I know a couple of you have been waiting for it, so I won’t delay. My copy of the MILA 2.0 ARC by Debra Driza is up for grabs!!!!!  Just in case you’re not familiar with my fellow Class of 2k12 (pushed back to Class of 2k13) classmate, here’s a little bit about MILA 2.0 and Deb Driza…



Mila 2.0 is the first book in an electrifying sci-fi thriller series about a teenage girl who discovers that she is an experiment in artificial intelligence.

Mila was never meant to learn the truth about her identity. She was a girl living with her mother in a small Minnesota town. She was supposed to forget her past —that she was built in a secret computer science lab and programmed to do things real people would never do.

Now she has no choice but to run—from the dangerous operatives who want her terminated because she knows too much and from a mysterious group that wants to capture her alive and unlock her advanced technology. However, what Mila’s becoming is beyond anyone’s imagination, including her own, and it just might save her life.

Mila 2.0 is Debra Driza’s bold debut and the first book in a Bourne Identity–style trilogy that combines heart-pounding action with a riveting exploration of what it really means to be human. Fans of I Am Number Four will love Mila for who she is and what she longs to be—and a cliffhanger ending will leave them breathlessly awaiting the sequel.

You can Pre-order MILA 2.0 here…

*Barnes & Noble




Kim’s Review of MILA 2.0:

MILA 2.0 made me nostalgic for one of my favorite shows as a kid–the Bionic Woman. Only this time, I got to be in the characters’ head and I loved it. Driza’s did a wonderful job expressing what it feels like when Mila learns she isn’t exactly who she thinks she is. Additionally, the tag line for the book is fantastic–No one suspects what she’s made of–I adore the play on words. While MILA 2.0 is a fun and exciting read, a mash-up akin to The Bionic Woman meets the Bourne Identity, there is a sweetness to Mila that made her very likable even though she’s kind of a badass underneath. It gave the story a very nice balance. I had a blast reading MILA 2.0, now I can’t wait for the next one!


Debra Driza

I’m a wife, a mom, a dog lover, a writer, a physical therapist, and the owner of the messiest purses on the planet. No, really. Sometimes I worry that I’ll reach inside for my keys and lose a hand in the process. My YA thriller series debuts in March 2013 with Katherine Tegen Books/Harper Collins. Oh, and when I grow up, I want to be Veronica Mars.


Now on to the really fun stuff–how to win the ARC of MILA 2.0. It’s not hard at all…


a Rafflecopter giveaway

See what I’m willing to do to make your Monday better. *grin* I hope you win!


  1. Stacee says:

    Do eyes count as a possible bionic part? Because I think it would be pretty amazing to have perfect vision with a side of laser eyes. You know, if that’s an option. 😀

    Thanks for the giveaway!!

  2. Amber says:

    Skin. To have the ability to be resistant to bullets/knives/etc would be amazing.
    But also…lungs. Because I’ve always wanted to breathe underwater or in high altitudes.
    Wishful thinking 😉
    Thanks for the contest!

  3. Stephanie Diaz says:

    I’d go with either eyes or lungs–breathing underwater would be BOMB.

  4. Michelle S. (aka chelleyreads) says:

    i’d want a bionic hands and arms because i think the arm and hands do so much work and every day things. i’d like to power them up and be able to do more

  5. Hannah says:

    Bionic arm! It’d be fun to smash things with it. Or maybe legs … Could run forever!

  6. Monica B. W. (@Monica_BW) says:

    I’ve always had to use glasses–so bionic eyes. Oh, how about a bionic brain? Can I say that? lol. I’d be so smart! Haha!

    Anyway–you know I SERIOUSLY WANT THIS!! Teehee!

  7. Stephanie says:

    I’d have to go with bionic arms – that way I could have super-strength! Although I think having a bionic brain would be really awesome too….

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  8. Kirsten W says:

    Eyes- then I wouldn’t have to get a new glasses prescription every few years (optometrist appointments are the absolute worst). And maybe I’d have something cool like x-ray vision thrown in for good measure.

  9. Beth says:

    What a great giveaway!! Awesome!

  10. Amanda W says:

    I would love bionic lungs, as long as they are waterproof! I’d love to be able to breathe underwater 🙂

  11. Tiffany Drew says:

    If I go with eyes, do I get x-ray vision? If so, then count me in. But if not, then definitely arms. I would be super strong!

  12. Steph @ the Caffeinated Reader says:

    I’d choose bionic eyes. I was born with a visual condition that greatly impairs my vision and keeps me from driving, so i’d love to have bionic eyes with 20/20 vision!

    Stephanie McNemar

  13. Kim says:

    Bionic marathons!!! Sweet!

  14. Angie says:

    I’d like to have bionic arms, so pull ups wouldn’t be so ridiculously hard

  15. Emz says:

    Hmm…that’s a hard question. Can I have more than one? I would want eyes (I’d be able to read all the books I want anywhere without having to worrying on damaging my eyes), and skin (I get way to many bruises way to easily.)

    Thanks for the giveaway! 🙂

  16. Ali B. says:

    I would want bionic eyes. I wouldn’t have to worry about ruining my eyes.