My First Official School Gig and the Feedback You Don’t Want to Miss

December 5, 2012 | , , , , ,

Last Wednesday I went to my middle son’s 4th grade class and talked about writing. It was my first official school gig and I loved it. The former teacher in me enjoyed having a captive audience again. The mom in me loved getting to know my son’s classmates better. The writer in me had so much fun talking about something I love. And all of me sucked up their energy and exuberance like a sponge. I couldn’t help but see that I’d put a small ripple out into the world, but now I’m busting my buttons because it was a bigger ripple than I’d guessed.  This is what came home to me over the weekend…

They sent me the most wonderful thank you notes–or as I think of them–love letters. Today I thought I’d share some of my favorite parts with you…


Dear Mrs. Sabatini…

“Thank you for coming in to talk about writing. Like you, I love writing! That talk really helped me with different ideas for my writing.”


“You inspired me because even thought it took a long time to write touching the surface You never gave up.”


“You inspired Me To: write lots of books also public books. I learned It might take a lot of work to write a Book but its worth It! Also you have to Fix a lot when you Make it.”


*This letter was in Braille–“You did an awesome job making your stupendous books. You make me almost not afraid to write! Your poem was really funny, and your stories you told us were awesome.”


“You inspired me by you telling me your speech. PS I can beat you in a gun game.” (I may have joined in on a little shoot’em up, finger fun, going on at the bus stop LOL!)


“I have awhole list of things that inspiered me LIKE…

-When you made the photo board


-Loved all most all of the authors that you’ve met.

You see, a have alot more reasons why but I ran out of room on the paper. I’am almost done with my new book called The fuzz problem. Thank you for coming.”


“Thank you for all the amazing tips you gave me for being a writer. Just from hearing you talk, I have been writing much better and coming up with better ideas. That talk changed my writing life.”


“Things I learned from your visit:

-Writing a book takes a long time.

-Never try to hit a cat with a metal shovel

-Writer’s block is more like writer’s pause.

-there is alot more to making a book than writing it.



“I learned…if you writght something you are a wrighter.”


“Your inspirational speech really inspired me to think that dreams do come true. Like when you said that you never thought you could be an author…look at you now! Being a mom, an author and an AMAZING dancer (p.s. I loved the 9-11 number!) I just don’t know how you do it!”


“I want to say thank you for coming and inspiring me. I also learned a lot about publishing, like I never knew there was a copy editor. I will be sure to read your book when I am older. Do authors ever write by hand these days? Were you a reader when you were little? You brought out the writer in me.

P.S. Did you ever meet Judy Blume?

P.P.S. How many drafts did you make?

Keeping a diary (kind of. I already keep a journal but I used to write only lists. now I am going to write the best and worst parts of my day.)

Writing. I feel like now that will calm me down too. (Although I’m not dreaming of being an author.)



“Thank you for coming. We apprecait that you told us all that stuff. If I was you I would todaly write that much. But right now i’m in a lower stage than you. So when I grow a little bit I will grow a lot. If you can make a detective book my mom would love it. All that stuff that you told use really is going to help use. I hope that if you can make more and more books that you could be a famuase anther. And if I ever wont some help to wright, I will always go to you.

P.S. If you ever get a cat don’t kill it with a shovel.”


I’m assuming you don’t need any prompts for your comments. ROTFL! And in case you’re wondering–author–BEST JOB EVER! Tomorrow I’m going to the second grade. I can’t wait!







  1. Megan gilpin says:

    Those comments are awesome! Congrats on a fab school visit!

  2. Linda G. says:

    Whew! I’m so glad you included that last statement. I was starting to worry about you. And the cat. 😉

    Oh, wait…you said no cats were harmed with the SHOVEL. So, what were they harmed with? *suspiciuos grin*

    • Kim says:

      I brought in a 4th grade essay on “My Life” where I told them how we had rented a house with two cats and one died and I almost killed the other when my mom caught me getting ready to clobber it with a metal shovel. I was so little, I have no recollection. But that cat must have been mean, right?

  3. Jodi Moore says:

    Aww, what a lovely finish for a school visit – and a heart-squishy start to my day! You’re so wonderful and inspirational! These letters don’t surprise me at all!!! <3 you!!! (And I, too, am very happy no cats were harmed…) 😉

  4. A.N.Remtulla says:

    Most heartwarming comment: You make me almost not afraid to write
    Funniest comment: Never try to hit a cat with a metal shovel
    Wish I could sit with the second graders and listen in tomorrow 🙂

  5. Linda Hanlon says:

    Awesome post, Kim! I’m sure it felt wonderful to get so many appreciative, heart-felt & well-expressed notes from your son’s classmates! You were amazing with the teens in my book group, so of course you are a natural at school visits! You can truly relate to readers of any age. And I’m sure that your visit will help inspire some young writers to follow you on the writing path! And the cat comments were SO funny! 🙂

  6. Monica B. W. (@Monica_BW) says:

    Awwwww. Seriously!! AWWWWWWW!! And I want to meet that kid who said “So when I grow a little bit I will grow a lot.”
    Love this, K!

    (Whew, I’m glad no cats were harmed! LOL)