Just So You Know–Writing is Special

March 20, 2013 | , ,

Yesterday was my birthday and coincidentally the first day in March that all of my boys were in school at the same time. We have the pleasure of spring breaks that NEVER fall at the same time in our house. *head thunk* Yup–I’ll have a grand total of FOUR days in March that are kid free. And while I love my kids and really enjoy all the fun things we do while their home. And while I enjoy NOT getting up at the crack of dawn for the 12yo–me and 5:30 am have a hate/hate relationship.  And even though I have managed to find ways to get a decent amount of writing work done around them–the truth is I also love my alone time.

So, back to the birthday. I had a zillion good wishes yesterday. Thank you everyone. And one of the things that many people said to me was…Do something special on your birthday! And because I was revising (I AM ALMOST DONE!!!!) Other people suggested…Don’t forget to take a break from revisions and do something special! Now I’ll be the first one to tell you, there are points in the writing process where I’ve seen way too much of whatever it is I am working on and a break from it would be a little slice of heaven. But yesterday, after nineteen days of having other people in my writing space, spending the day with just my manuscript was the special thing I got to do. And realizing it made me smile because I was reminded of what a gift I’ve been given–the knowledge to do what I love and to love what I do.



When do you love writing the most? What makes writing special for you?


  1. S. J. Pajonas says:

    Happy belated birthday!! I can’t wait to read this new book of yours 🙂 I love everything about writing except for the synopsis writing 😉

  2. Linda Grimes says:

    Happy B-day (again)! 🙂

    I know just what you mean by “alone time.” I go crazy without it. Fortunately, I consider my writing time to be part of my alone time. My characters are a part of me, so we can be “alone” together.

  3. Joanne Fritz says:

    Kim! So sorry I missed your birthday. But it sounds as if you really enjoyed it. I’m glad you had plenty of alone time with your manuscript and I’m confident you’ll get that revision done in no time.

    I love revision. Writing the rough draft is nerve-wracking.