Less Rushing, More Meandering

June 17, 2013 | , , ,

Today is the last full day of school for my youngest two boys. I’ll admit it, there have been years when I’ve said, “WHAT???? They are home already??? And for how long??? OMG!!!!” But they’re older now. And while there are still moments where I’d like to tie them to the stop sign on the corner with a FREE BOYS sign pinned to their chests, it’s mostly pretty awesome. Why is it so great? I could make a list including all the fun stuff we do, the mornings we sleep in, the lack of soccer practices and after school activities we have to attend, the absence of homework etc… but it really comes down to unscheduled time. Less rushing, more meandering. And it’s a good thing–the way day dreaming is good for writing.



What’s your favorite thing about summer? What would you do if you weren’t doing the things you have to do? Why does time move so slowly when you’re a kid and so fast when you’re an adult? Why am I overjoyed about not having to pack lunches for a whole summer when I still have to feed the kids lunch anyway? Life’s little mysteries…


  1. Linda Grimes says:

    I can tell you my least favorite thing about summer: the birds outside waking up–and singing!–at 5 a.m. Ugh. Would it kill them to muzzle it until after 6 a.m.?

  2. Aurelia Blue says:

    Haha @Linda up there. I feel ya.
    I L<3VE having my kids home for the summer. I call it "getting them back." I hope we never go to year round school. I need as much solid meandering time with them as I can get!