You know I’m a SYTYCD (So You Think You Can Dance) nut. Season 10 is shaping up to be amazing. I seriously look forward to this show all week long and over the seasons, I’ve begun to notice something interesting happening when I watch hour after hour of amazing dance and choreography…
I can’t help but think about writing.
Maybe it’s because I dance AND write–so the line between the two is blurry for me. But I also think there is another reason. Art stimulates art.
I’ve decided that on Fridays, over the course of the SYTYCD season, I’m going to try to share some of the dancing/writing connections that jump into my head as I watch and savor. This week you get a double whammy because 1) I just thought of this idea tonight and 2) I still can’t stop thinking about THIS dance. It’s from the pre-competition-Top 20 performances the week before.
When I watch an outside-the-box piece like this, I’m very aware that this is what agents and editors are asking for when they say to bring something new to the table. Use the unique to enhance the tried and true. There are only so many stories in the world–it’s all about how we tell our story. I highly suggest watching the amazing choreographers on this show to see how they take something that has been done before and twist it. Think about how you can come at your writing in in a way that will make your reader see what they know in a brand new way.
For this week (The Top 20), there were a lot of really good dances. There was also one that blew the judges away. But while I had a great appreciation for the dancers and the performance, it didn’t speak to me the way some of the others did. Particularly this one…
Writing is about blind trust–in yourself. If you are pursuing publication, there is an audience out there. Agents, editors, and readers who are sometimes cheering and sometimes booing. I know it’s expected that we have our finger on the pulse of the massive, social-marketing, publishing juggernaut, but we also need to block some of that out and remember…the heart and soul of writing often requires we close our eyes to the outside world and trust fall into our own story. When that happens–it is beautiful. It is amazing what will catch you if you let yourself fall. Sometimes we have to write blind in order to truly see where we are going.
Of course, my fellow SYTYCD fans, just like with books–everyone has different tastes. I’d love to hear what your favorite dances were and if they made you think about your writing or any other artistic adventure in your life.
Linda Grimes says:
All of the arts are interconnected, I think. Creativity springs from the soul. It may take different paths once it’s freed, but the journeys aren’t really all that different.
My favorite dance? Well, I’m a bit of klutz, so I don’t really dance myself, if I can avoid it. I love to watch almost any kind, though. Tap dancing especially–it just lightens my heart. 🙂
On June 28, 2013 at 8:41 am
Kim says:
Absolutely!!!!! And I LOVE tap! They have 3 fabulous tappers on the show this year. I’m really excited to see how they do.
On June 28, 2013 at 9:50 am
Kimberley Griffiths Little says:
I ADORE SYTYCD, too! And I agree with your choice for favorite dance this week. I thought the blind-folded dance was the best too, artistically and emotionally. Very powerful!
On June 29, 2013 at 11:41 pm