There are No Locks on Story Box

June 21, 2013 | , , ,

At the risk of dating myself. SQUEE!!!! I found this awesome clip from the Magic Garden. It’s the Story Box!!!!

I loved the Magic Garden when I was growing up. Last night, before I wrote this post, I was reading more from WRITING DOWN THE BONES by Natalie Goldberg (I highly recommend it) and I realized what Natalie is ultimately saying…FIND A WAY TO GET INTO YOUR STORY BOX!


Of course, realizing that all I need to know about how to find my stories, I learned on TV from The Magic Garden, totally tickled my Chuckle Patch. And if you have no idea what I’m talking about…

ROTFL! I really LOVED that show. Do you remember the Magic Garden? Are you laughing at the Chuckle Patch? Or are you just laughing at me? I really wanted to be Carole when I grew up. Kimmiepoppins doesn’t seem that far off. *grin* Have you read WRITING DOWN THE BONES yet? I can’t stop underlining great quotes. You should make it your Friday Read.

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