Yesterday I was talking online to a bunch of my writer buddies and someone said…
The more I learn about publishing the more I realize the best promotional tool is to write the next book and the next and the next…
That makes a HUGE amount of sense. It resonates with me on more than just the promotional level. I also connect to it on a deeper, more personal level. I use writing as a way to make sense of the world. The less time I have to write, the less the world makes sense to me.
I love my social media, but ultimately it is the writing.
To me blogging isn’t just a publishing tool. It’s a kind of journaling that works really well for me BECAUSE it’s interactive. So I really do love doing it. A lot. But I’ve been toying with this for awhile and I’ve finally come to realized that it’s time for me to adjust my blogging schedule a little bit. I need to do this partly because I DO NOT want to give up my membership in either YA Outside the Lines or the Bookanistas. I love those groups. And partly it’s because I also like to do guest posts, interviews and judge writing events whenever possible. Between the blogs and the extra posts, too much of my writing time is being eaten up.
For example: July 2013’s Projected Blog Schedule
Post due for my own blog–14
Post for YAOTL–1
Posts for the Bookanistas–1 or 2
Guest posts for Blog Tour–5
Other Interviews for blogger events–2
Interviews I had to turn down because I was at risk for losing my mind–More than one 🙁
That’s a grand total of at least 23 posts and or interviews. And on average these take me 60 minutes or more to brainstorm, write and add links/graphics. (There have been days they’ve taken longer.) That’s a lot of time I could and should be using to write.
And on a personal front…I HAVE THREE BOYS!!!! Yeah, that. And I like them enough to want to spend quality time with them as often as I can. And I’m moving in the fall. So I’m staging and showing and pretending I’m organized on a regular basis. Remember me? The one who doesn’t get the laundry done on a good day.
So, I’ve decided that I’m going to take a small two-week blog hiatus while I’m traveling with the family over the end of July. (July 22-Aug. 2) and then I’ll be back on TUESDAY August 6th followed by THURSDAY August 8th. This will kick off my official move to a Tuesday/Thursday schedule. By doing this, I will drop down to 8-10 posts a month on average. Much more manageable.
If you think you’re going to have trouble remembering to stop by on the new dates, please sign up to have my blog posts sent right to you. On the right hand side of my blog I have an RSS feed sign up and and email sign up. I’ll also do my best to put up some reminders for the two weeks off and the new schedule. I love you for understanding why I need to make the change.
Do you blog? And if you do, do you have a schedule? I recommend having specific blogging times, so people do know when to show up to connect with you, but flexibility is important too. You never want to get so frustrated you squeeze an innocent hedge hog puppet. Totally not cool.
Any other blog tips you want to share with me? Any questions about blogs? Fire away!
*No hedge hog puppets were harmed in the making of this blog post.
This is the major reason why I have yet to get involved with any promotional book tours/organizations because I have no idea when I would find the extra time for blogging! Unless I stopped writing? And then what would be the point? With two kids (in different schools with different schedules), a house, and a husband to look after, I only have time to update my blog 4-6 times per month, if that. Now I’ve decided to self-publish and I have to take on all that extra work too! I completely understand. I make the time for the important things: writing, family, organizations like SCBWI, and, of course, reading.
A schedule sounds good for you. You could take a week and plan out a month’s worth all at once if you wanted to! I hope it works for you.
You know I hear you loud and clear. I think there are some things in the new schedule that will make a big difference. And I really love to blog so I’ve got my fingers crossed that this will be the right balance.
I DO blog, though I’m down to once a week now. Something had to give, and I really didn’t want it to be my books or my family. Or even having time to visit and comment on other people’s blogs, because I would miss that.
Sadly, there are only so many hours in a day. I’d give up sleep if my brain would still work without it, but alas… *sigh*
But you’re camels are awesome so it’s perfectly ok. That last one you did with the shadows was amazing!
You make me giggle! I hear you about being bogged down with blog stuff. Just when I think I’m getting ahead, I fall behind. I try to get a week up at a time, rarely works for me, tho as I’m always waiting on others to send me stuff to finish my posts. YOU GO GIRL!
Ugh! Coordinating other people’s stuff makes my head want to explode! Sending ((((hugs)))) I try to get my stuff in early when I can. I’ve also never been able to get to far ahead because then something earth shattering happens in the world and I’m talking about something pre-posted that’s irrelevant. I think the T/TH schedule will work out great!
Love your line, ” I use writing as a way to make sense of the world. The less time I have to write, the less the world makes sense to me.”