Thought I’d share some of the writerly gadgets, gizmos and must haves. In no particular order…
The rolling cart I use for school visits and presentations. I have lots of props and this lets me move them around so much easier than hauling heavy bags on both shoulders..
This is a two for one. I absolutely could not function without my Macbook Pro. It travels with me all over the house and everywhere else I write. (With three boys that could be just about anywhere.) I also love the decals I found on Etsy to personalize the back of the screen. (I sometimes joke that the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.) LOL! The tree and leaves sit underneath a clear Invisishield skin and I still can believe I installed myself. *fist pump*
Of course if you love your laptop as much as I do, you want the perfect bag to tote it around it. This Osprey is the best laptop bag I’ve ever had. LOVE it!
My whiteboard calendar is a must. I only use it for my writing related stuff, but that’s okay, the family calendar is in the kitchen. (I actually have two so I can see the upcoming month also.)
My writing magazines inspire me daily and I learn sooooooo much from reading them. It’s like an at-home, mini-conference in my kitchen.
And of course the SCBWI!!! It could be the Bulletin, a Shop Talk meeting, writer friends online or a conference. It doesn’t matter–it’s all good.
Okay–time to share your writerly gadgets, gizmos and must-haves.
kami says:
I got inspired to share one of my favorite writer gadgets on my blog this summer too. It’s a lap desk my granddad made. I’ve used it for writing every book. Posts like this are so useful. Glad to see your gadgets. Keep Writing!
On August 29, 2013 at 10:42 am
Kim says:
Ohhhh do you have a link? I’d love to check it out!!!!
On August 29, 2013 at 11:28 am
kami says:
I do, but didn’t want to be obnoxious about posting my link on your blog! But since you asked, here it is…
I can’t live without this thing.
Take Care. Love the look of your blog!
On August 29, 2013 at 12:09 pm
Kim says:
Fabulous lap desk!!!!! Love it. <3
On August 29, 2013 at 11:23 pm
Linda Grimes says:
Honestly? Spiral notebooks are my friends. Not for the actual writing–I’m strictly a laptop gal for that–but for writing myself notes about my admittedly complicated plots.
On September 1, 2013 at 12:27 pm