Today I’m cross posting over at YA Outside the Lines. This month we are talking about how we read. It’s a fascinating topic and you should check out all the posts this month. To see mine…click HERE.
And don’t forget to leave a blog post comment for the Literate Earth Project. All you have to do is say anything…I LOVE BOOKS or I LOVE KIDS will do the trick. You can even say LAUGH IT UP FUZZ BALL–it’s the 8yo’s favorite new Star Wars saying now that he’s become a HUGE Chewbacca fan. Your comment will put $1 in the hands of kids who are badly in need of books. It’s easy and it’s a fabulous thing to do. And of course I would appreciate it if you told friends and Wookies or Wookie friends to stop by and leave a comment too.
Feel free to hop on over to either of those posts ASAP, but if you’re dying to leave a comment here too–I’m taking questions on writing or author-ly things. Just shout it out.
Aurelia Blue says:
Question: I remember reading about your foray into querying and how you took some time off to revamp part of Surface before you sent it to the amazing Michelle Wolfson who had requested a partial. I was wondering if you also were submitting it elsewhere to other agents/ publishers as well at that time? And if so, did you address this in your queries? Did you explain any time lapses in case it was being read by ppl in the industry who might have been familiar with your first submission effort and might be wondering why you were still querying the same book almost a year(?)later? Sometimes things happen (illness, death in the family, rewrites) and a submission gets put on hold or halted for a while, how do you suggest handling this in a query? Do you admit an illness and/or death stopped you in your tracks? Should you admit you put out a query for a book that wasn’t ready? How would you word this to denote strength rather than weakness that might make an agent or publisher wonder about your commitment and stamina for future projects and deadlines?
Thanks. 🙂
On October 8, 2013 at 2:17 pm
PIPO M8HD says:
This one is no exception–informative and entertaining 🙂
On November 11, 2013 at 4:58 am