I’ve always drafted my books with a musical playlist inspiring me. Sometimes I would play the same song over and over and over again as I wrote a scene. But all throughout NaNoWriMo I haven’t felt compelled to write with music. Nor have I even found anything that stood out and spoke to me. That is until now.
The first song on the CHASING ADAPTATION playlist.
Write on NaNoWriMoers. Find the music of your words.
Do you write to music? Is silence your thing? Does it change from project to project? Has there been a specific song that has had an impact on your writing?
Jeannie Intrieri says:
I do have a playlist for SUNRISE but I don’t write with music. I do my dreaming and the searching of the corners of my mind to music & a notebook….then quiet to write. You left me hanging- what is the song?
On November 14, 2013 at 1:30 pm
Kim says:
Hey–you couldn’t see it? Should be an embedded video.
On November 15, 2013 at 8:11 am