Bookanistas Review: RELEASED (Books two in the Nogiku Series) by SJ Pajonas

January 23, 2014 | , ,

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Tuesday came and went with no blog post from me. Maybe last Thursday too. LOL! I’me in a haze of bleach and card board boxes and I’m only crawling out of my moving hole to do this post/blog tour because I absolutely love this book. #2 in the Nogiku Series. Wait–you didn’t take my advice and read REMOVED? Go back and check it out, fall in love with this quirky, exciting, romantic series and then check out RELEASED. 

Nogiku banner

This is my stop during the blog tour for the Nogiku series by SJ Pajonas. This blog tour is organized by Lola’s Blog Tours. The blog tour runs from January 20 till February 2, you can view the complete tour schedule on the website of Lola’s Blog Tours:

So far this series contains two book: Removed (Nogiku series #1) and Released (Nogiku series #2).


 Released (Nogiku series #2)

by SJ Pajonas

Genre: Science Fiction Romance, Post-apocalyptic

Age category: New Adult

Release Date: December 17, 2013


**Contains spoilers for those who have not read REMOVED (Book 1) Left in the desert to recuperate from her injuries, Sanaa Itami paces the floors and contemplates her mistakes. She trusted too easily, and now people she loved are dead, killed at the hands of men coming to assassinate her. Sanaa feels beaten, but life awaits her at home. While Nishikyo recovers from the earthquake, negotiations for Sanaa’s eventual rule on Yusei continue. New allies must be made, new friendships brokered, new skills acquired — at all costs. Life at the top of the chain is complicated and lonely, though. With relations in Sakai clan rocky and uncertain, Sanaa must learn to trust others again more than she’s willing. Who amongst the clans is left holding a grudge? And will the new family Sanaa has found with Jiro support or betray her? From Nishikyo to Yusei, RELEASED, Book TWO of the Nogiku Series, is the second book in a captivating New Adult post-apocalyptic romance series that harnesses the cultures and traditions of Japan and sweeps them into the future between Earth and a faraway land.


You can find Released on Goodreads:


You can buy Released here:

– Amazon:

– Barnes & Noble:

– Kobo:


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Kimberly’s Review of RELEASED:

Now that NA (New Adult) has taken off, I find myself listening to lots of people wanting NA but “different.” Different is what the Nogiku series is all about. And I’m saying that in the very best of ways. There is something in it for everyone, but there are also things in this series that I didn’t know I wanted out of a book until I was immersed in it. Unique world building, romance without a frustrating love triangle, action and adventure, interesting science fiction, suspense, friendship, diversity and girl power. And while all of that is fabulous on its own–this book is ALL ABOUT THE ENDING!

I can’t wait for book #3. I have a sneaky suspicion this series has just gotten ready to hit it’s sweet spot. Trust me–get invested in the Nogiku series.


sj pajonas

 About the Author:

S. J. Pajonas loves all things Asian and has been in love with Japan for as long as she can remember. Writing about Asia and Japan came naturally after studying the culture and language for over fifteen years. She studied film and screenwriting first and eventually segued into fiction once she was no longer working a full-time job.

Released is S. J. Pajonas’s second work, book two of four in the Nogiku Series. The first book in the series, Removed, is described as “a wonderful story” with “engaging characters, seamless world building, and an action packed plot.” It’s an “up-til-3am-because-I-read-it-in-one-sitting book.” She also writes contemporary romance and her upcoming first book in the Love in the Digital Age series will be published in 2014.

S. J. lives with her husband and two children just outside of New York City. She loves reading, writing, film, J- and K-dramas, knitting, and astrology. Her favorite author is Haruki Murakami and favorite book is The Wind-up Bird Chronicle.

You can find and contact her here:

– Website:

– Facebook:

– Twitter:

– Goodreads:

– Pinterest:

– Flickr:

– Instagram:

– Tumblr:


There is a tour wide giveaway for the blog tour of the Nogiku series. These are the prizes you can win: Amazon Gift Cards, copies of REMOVED, and eBook copies of two fantastic Japanese books: JAPANESE SOUL COOKING and THE SAKE HANDBOOK. Both will be gifted through either Amazon (kindle) or Barnes&Noble (nook).

Here are the links to both books on Amazon:

Sake Handbook on amazon:

Japanese Soul Cooking:


Here is the link to the rafflecopter giveaway:


<a id=”rc-7238ac5″ href=”” rel=”nofollow”>a Rafflecopter giveaway</a>
<script src=”//”></script>


Want to check out what the other Bookanistas are reading? Here you go…

What novels have you read and loved that fall outside the typical books in a genre? What’s you’re favorite OMG! ending to a book you’ve read?


Want more info about REMOVED–Book #1…

You can find Removed on Goodreads:

Want to view some inspirational images for Removed, visit the Removed inspirational Pinterest board:


You can buy Removed here:

– Amazon (Paperback):

– Amazon (Kindle):

– Barnes & Noble:\

– iBookstore:

– Kobo:

– Wattpad:


You can watch the trailer for Removed on Youtube:





  1. S. J. Pajonas says:

    Morning, Kim! And thanks so much for participating in the tour with your review of RELEASED. I know how busy you are with the move 🙂 I’m glad that the Nogiku Series is out there to be something different in the NA market. And you’re right, this book is all about the ending 🙂