Art Stimulates Art: The Treads and Layers that Unconsciously Play a Role in My Writing (Miss Saigon)

May 13, 2014 | ,

I’m working like crazy on a project I’m in love with and my kids are SLAMMED with allergies. But last Friday I did get a chance to see MISS SAIGON, one of my favorite plays ever, at a local play house.I have loved this show, it’s story and it’s music since my husband and I got to see it on Broadway 20 years ago for our honeymoon. <3 And now I’m so excited to see MISS SIAGON coming to the big stage in London this month. What I’m hoping is that it finds it’s way back to Broadway. Or I get to go to London. *wink*


Here’s a little bit about the music I’ve been humming and the story that never leaves my head for very long. This play has found it’s way into the threads and layers of my writing and my life. Art stimulates art…


What favorite Broadway play would you like to see back on stage? What play has had an impact on the threads and layers of your writing?

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