Guest Post on YAOTL: The Books I Wished I’d Written

May 8, 2014 | , ,

I’m blogging over at YA Outside the Lines Today. This month we’re talking about The Books We Wished We’d Written.

What??? It was like eating chocolate covered potato chips. I couldn’t pick just one or two or…

You get the idea.

But as tough as it was to decide on some favorites, I feel so lucky to have read and been affected by so many stellar books over the course of my life. As far as tough choices go, there are worse things I could be forced to do. *grin*


Which books did I pick and how did I narrow it down? You’re going to have to click HERE to find out!

What books do you wish you’d written?



  1. Jodi Moore says:

    Oh, Kim!!! Words cannot describe how totally honored and thrilled I am to have DRAGON on this list with all of these other amazing books! *experiences fan girly swoon* These authors, these books, have been such an inspiration to me…as have YOU!!! <3 Thank you for everything you do and for all that you are!!! <3 you!!!

  2. Linda Grimes says:

    Touching the Surface, of course. 😉 I love the concept & how you wrote it.

    Also The Da Vinci Code. Not so much because I think it’s a brilliant book (though I did enjoy it), but because if I’d written it I’d be a millionaire now. *grin*