Art Stimulates Art: Dancing with my Writer Sistahs

July 30, 2014 | , , , , ,

Things I did besides finishing my packing for SCBWI LA…

-I got my hair done.

-Made homemade soup and zucchini crabbiless crab cakes for dinner.

-Read to the boys for an hour.

-And of course I caught up on the latest episode of SYTYCD where I saw an epic ton of dances that I’m over the moon about. But this one in particular reminded me of all my writer sistahs.

Whether it’s my critique partners, my SCBWI friends or the Binders–there always seems to be someone there for the highs and the lows. It’s a beautiful thing that rarely ceases to escape me. That dance illustrated the supportive group of women I’ve chosen to have in my life. It feels as if we are more invested in picking each other up than we are in stepping on one another. I love that. We aren’t perfect, but I always sense the desire to be more–be our best.



Knowing I get to see some of these amazing sistahs (and my guy buds too) has me super excited to head to LA TODAY!!!!! I’ll be tweeting about the conference, so if you want to be an arm chair attendee–follow along using the hashtag #LA14SCBWI  And of course I’ll start my usual conference recaps after I get back and un-fry my brain. LOL! I get so inspired after attending the event. Stay tuned more to come…


  1. Jeannie says:

    Have a super fabulous time!! Can’t wait to hear all about the conference…and we HAVE to get together when you get back! And can I have the crabbiless crab cake recipe?? 🙂

  2. Linda Hanlon says:

    I know you’ll have a fantastic time, Kim!! Wish I could be there, too (someday, I will!) but I know your tweets and follow-up recap blogs will be the next best thing!

    After you get back, maybe we could try to take some time to plan out the upcoming Shop Talks for August, September and October? I think that the last B & N Shop Talk in October might be good for the Target Readers Panel of Kids and Teens! I mentioned the possibility at Saturday’s meeting and everyone got excited! 🙂

    Have a good and safe trip to LA!