Art Stimulates Art: We Make Ripples

September 4, 2014 | , , , ,

Ahhhh last night was the season finale of one of my favorite shows–So You Think You Can Dance. As many of you know, I’m not just a writer–I’ve been a dancer all my life. And the one think I’ve found is that the making of any kind of art stimulates the creation of more art. iStock_000000667473XSmall-300x358


My absolutely favorite dance last night involved the Top Ten contestants dancing with the All Stars. And the performance made me smile–it made my heart soar. That one dance perfectly captured the way I feel about life and the things I try to accomplish with my writing.

The secret is there’s as much joy in creating a ripple as there is in being touched by one. We are all drops in the same pond. Never underestimate what can happen when you replace fear with hope.


So, tell me. Did you watch this season’s SYTYCD? Did you have a favorite dancer? Favorite performance? How do other forms of art stimulate your writing? And even more importantly, do you understand the powerful effect just a drop of kindness can have on someone else? It’s time to rain down on those around you–whether you are dancing, writing, or just breathing–make ripples.



  1. Edna says:

    Hey Kimberly, Love your post! I’m a dancer, too, and I totally appreciate that “art begets art.” It’s like we’re wired to express and create :)!
    I thoroughly enjoyed the video from SYTYCD–the choreography and dancers’ performances were incredible. Thanks for sharing and enjoy a great day! 😀

  2. Kimberley Griffiths Little says:

    I was definitely rooting for Zach. His dances last week were STUPENDOUS, versatile, and he got more standing ovations from the judges. By the end of the season Zach could practically do everything Ricky was doing – and yet Ricky couldn’t tap to save his life. Pun intended. 🙂

    And what’s up with Valerie coming in second? Zach can still out-tap her and Jessica can out-dance her. So that was strange to me.

    • Kim says:

      Zach was amazing and I found myself beginning to root for him too. But I loved all four and felt there was no bad result. I will say there was something about Jessica that I didn’t emotionally connect with all the time. But her dancing was incredible and I LOVED Val!!! There was something about her that just spoke to me. She was one of my favorites from the beginning. And Ricky is incredible too. If it was just about dancing I’d say Zach–but there’s also a connection component and Zach bloomed a little later after most people fell in love with their favorites. Loyalty is an interesting thing. I think they will all have amazing careers in front of them. But yes, I agree, if I could have hand picked the winner–it would have been Zach. :o)

      • Kimberley Griffiths Little says:

        I enjoyed hearing your thoughts about the Final Four. For me, I never really connected with Ricky on a personal basis, even though I recognized that he was the best of the male dancers. I started connecting with Zach several weeks ago so that definitely made me root for him the last two weeks.

        It’s interesting how we all connect with different people in different ways and different times. 🙂