Tired and Inspired

December 16, 2014 | , ,

Riley is here!!! We got him on Friday and it’s been a whirlwind ever since. I’m tired and inspired. I’m in love with his little face and his adorable personality and extremely sweet temperament. But I miss sleeping and peeing by myself LOL! Knowing what it’s like to take care of a “baby” again isn’t the same as actually doing it. *sigh* But here’s the really good news. I’m very glad I we brought home this puppy. I have a feeling that with the right love, training and diligence, we’ll get everything sorted out in a reasonable amount of time. This cute little face was on the bucket list of FIVE people in my house. That’s a really good reason to make some sacrifices. No one ever died wishing for cleaner carpets and less unconditional love. And although I really like to sleep (a lot) I’m still pretty sure I won’t be wishing for more Zzzz’s when my ticker stops ticking. So, if everyone can bear with my occasional sleep deprived rants and my Oh-My-God-I’ve-Never-Owned-A-Dog-Now-What-Do-I-Do panic attacks, then I think everything will be okay. *paws crossed* Now it’s time to introduce you to Riley…


Fresh out of the car after a two hour ride home. (He was a champ BTW)

FullSizeRender 3Exploring the landscape.


We’ve gotten quite close–he wants to sleep wherever he can touch my foot. <3

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Riley gave up after all that playing. Just couldn’t make it up the driveway.

IMG_9824But he had enough energy to be grateful I carried him up the rest of the way LOL!

FullSizeRender 5But if you think we wore out that puppy, you should see what the puppy did to the 11yo in the middle of decorating the tree Zzzzzzz…

And BTW–I can’t believe I was even able to write a blog post for today. So, yay for that! What have you been up to besides writing and sleeping LOL!


  1. S.J.+Pajonas says:

    SO FREAKING ADORABLE!! Gah! I love Riley already 🙂 xo to him and your family.

  2. Jodi+Moore says:

    Ohhh! I’m in love! 🙂 Congratulations on the new baby!!! <3

  3. Linda+Grimes says:

    Riley is so cute!!! I’m looking forward to updates as he grows, which I suspect he will be doing FAST.