I started reading the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon back in the late 90’s. I was living overseas in Germany as a newlywed. And I know I’m dating myself, but WAY BACK THEN, the internet wasn’t a thing. We didn’t own a computer or a cell phone. Our international phone bills were very expensive so our families called for 30 minutes to talk on Sundays. You should have seen the bill the day my new kitten died. 🙁 But anyway, back on track. My mom sent me the first three Outlander books and since I couldn’t waste time on Facebook, I devoured then and shared them with my best friend Kim. We were nuts about the books. We had silver rings like Claire and matching Fraser Plaid scarves. Okay–I still have them and I may have even ended up with a kid named Jamie. LOL!
But in truth, as much as I loved the books, reading and rereading, it’s been awhile since I was engrossed in my favorite highlander time travel saga. But, with the new series on TV, my love of it all has reignited. And it made me realize I’d pushed the two most recent books to the wayside while reading so much YA. But, hold onto your kilts because I’m BACK and reading…
And *fist pump* I’m loving it.
But the real purpose of this blog post isn’t just to tell you what I’m reading. I had to share my dirty little secret–everything I say now has a Scottish accent when I hear it in my head. Och aye–you understand lass, don’t you? In fact, I bet you do it too. I’m only shocked I didn’t name me wee new pup Rollo.
What are you reading?
Jackie Reynolds says:
I’m reading three very different books: Show Your Work by Austin Kleon in hopes of becoming braver about showing my own work. I just started Pure Grit – How American WWII Nurses Survived Battle and Prison Camp in the Pacific by the talented Mary Cronk Farrell which follows having read the amazing book Bomb – The Race to Build and Steal the World’s Most Dangerous Weapon by Steve Sheinkin. For easy breakfast reading there is Seriously… I’m Kidding by Ellen Degeneres. She has a great way of seeing the world.
On January 15, 2015 at 2:50 pm
Kim says:
BOMB was great–read that with the boys. Need to check out the other ones. They look amazing too. ;o)
On January 15, 2015 at 2:59 pm
Linda Grimes says:
I ADORE Diana’s books! (No surprise there.) They’ve gotten me through many a rough moment in life. I was so thrilled when I made the Acks in A Breath of Snow and Ashes. (For inspiring a certain “nose-picking” scene with a little contest I held on the Compuserve Writers Forum. LOL!)
On January 20, 2015 at 8:43 am