I’m cross posting at the YA Outside the Lines Blog today.
But this one felt important enough to also post in it’s entirety here…
Today I’m going to talk very briefly about diversity in YA, but in a way that is bit different than what I expected to touch upon. Initially, I’d planned on talking about being a girl. It interests me how girls are constantly trying to break glass ceilings in life, but in the world of YA literature, the lion’s share of what is produced tends to be very girl-centric. It bends my mind a little bit to play around with the implications. I wanted to discuss it. I wanted your thoughts.
But unfortunately I can’t really focus on that today.
I’m too disappointed.
When I looked up the definition of diversity it said…A RANGE OF DIFFERENT THINGS.
The word range was the link I needed to write about my growing concerns. More and more it feels like people all over the internet (even in my beloved YA community) are taking pot shots at each other. It feels as if cyber lynch mobs, toting guns that shoot high powered words, are running wild. There is a mob mentality that feeds off the frenzy of taking someone down a notch–of putting them “in their place.” But for what? It appears to be for being “wrong” or dare I say DIFFERENT.
I’ve been watching it unfold for quite some time, but recent events have kickstarted my thoughts. I don’t want to take up your time discussing why so many of us act so deplorably. It makes my head hurt to think about it. Instead I’d like to do one small thing to at least attempt to be part of the solution. I’d like to publicly acknowledge that there are moments when we absolutely should stand up and fight for our beliefs. Those moments are–wait for it–diverse. They mean different things to different people. But I’d like to believe the things worth fighting for (for most people) are good intentioned. Which leads me to bullying. Bullying never comes from good intentions. It is selfish and cowardly. It is small. And it’s not just something children do. I’ve seen a room full of PTA moms make another woman cry. I’ve watched as authors, teachers, police, soldiers and many other dedicated professionals are disrespected when they are trying to give. Perfection is not interchangeable with intention. I can’t remember the last time I was perfect. But there aren’t enough stars to mark how often I’ve tried.
Taking pleasure in making other people hurt is disturbing.
I don’t know how to stop it.
But I believe that small acts, done by many, have the power to make big change.
Haters are always going to hate, but let there always be more of us who are doing something great.
Every day it is your opportunity to be diverse in your thinking and in your actions. Today is your opportunity not to be a bully. It’s your chance to be a range of different things.
Tell me something great, people…
S.J. Pajonas says:
I know you want to hear something great, but instead I wanted to sympathize. Why have things been so tough lately? I kind of wonder if it’s because of the change in publishing market the last four to six months. I think a lot of people are feeling unstable, not really sure where their audience is or where their next paycheck will come from. They’re taking their anxiety and anger out on other people instead of turning it around for good. Just recently, I was “put in my place” in one of my favorite FB groups (which I have now left) for trying to help and give advice. It pains me to know that she felt she had to put me down because I was too helpful (probably because my advice clashed with hers). What we should be doing is propping everyone up! I wish people could see that we’re in this together, not as competition, but as companions.
On January 8, 2015 at 7:43 am
Kim says:
Awwww I’m so sorry that someone else out there didn’t think you had good intentions. My personal philosophy is to try to treat others the way I want to be treated. For me that means I want to be given the benefit of the doubt. I’d like people to assume that Kim’s a generally good person, this “thing” that happened must not be intentional. So, if that’s what I want, that’s what I need to give. But as we know, balance is always a hard thing to find. And I agree, when times are hard, insecurities and worries get the better of all of us. But I like your philosophy–we’re strong together. <3
On January 8, 2015 at 10:00 am
S.J. Pajonas says:
I just wonder how many new people entering into the publishing market (because it’s such a huge influx of new authors) don’t realize that we’re not competitors. It’s very different from most other professions, but there are people who don’t understand that. I agree. I want to be treated the way I treat others, so let’s stick in this together 🙂
On January 8, 2015 at 10:04 am
Kim says:
On January 8, 2015 at 10:08 am
Jackie Reynolds says:
Writing and illustrating are done quietly and alone. Our quiet work, with the underlying intention of kindness, can speak volumes.
On January 8, 2015 at 8:36 am
Kim says:
There seems to be less and less quiet in the world today. I relish those moments and I’m glad you know how to find them too. :o)
On January 8, 2015 at 10:01 am
Jodi Moore says:
I can only watch the news in small pieces. My heart hurts to see what’s happening. So much hate. So much pain. The news, the internet seems to thrive on it. And the mob mentality? Shameful and disturbing. How do we battle this? We write. We share. We touch lives and promote understanding and tolerance through our words. This past Monday, I attended a concert at 54 Below in NYC, featuring young talent from Newtown, CT, and mentored by brilliant folks in the theatre industry. The concert was to benefit the 1214 Foundation, which serves to heal Newtown – and the world – through the arts. This is how we battle the bullies. One word. One song. One hug. At a time. <3
On January 8, 2015 at 10:18 am