With the 40th Anniversary of Saturday Night Live being celebrated, my family and I have been belly laughing like crazy as we’ve relived some of the best SNL moments. There are so many classics, but there’s one that none of us had seen before and it’s now become a Sabatini favorite.
But before I share it with you, I’m going to make this an even better blog post (the video alone is pretty hilarious) by asking you to view it through the filter of a writer. No matter where you are in your writing journey there’s always a gate keeper telling you no. Across every desk, there’s someone who can’t see your vision for the next big thing.
But that should never stop you…
*Adding the link for people viewing on their phones.
Because, no matter what obstacles are thrown in your path, the best thing you can do–the only thing you can do–is do what you LOVE!
Keep writing and eating pizza. I’d love to hear your “best” rejection stories. That way, we’ll have them on record when we make it big. Keep handing people the pen, my friends!
Linda Grimes says:
Love that heart of footprints! <3
Have I ever told you about my two-for-one rejection? This was back before Michelle, when I was still looking for an agent. One agent I queried thought my ms was good, but not for her. She showed it to the head of the agency (whom I hadn't even thought to query), who also said no thanks. So when I got the answer back, I had two rejections for the price of one. That was kind of like a man getting slapped on both cheeks for one fresh remark. *grin*
On February 24, 2015 at 2:23 pm