As much as I look forward to vacations, I always look forward to coming home and the familiar routine when I return. Last week I was away in St. Louis visiting family. It was a fabulous trip–the perfect mix of laid back relaxing with family and a super fun time seeing the local sights and eating ALL the food. Here are some highlights…
And the nice part about this trip was we were able to build in enough days at the end of vacation to come home and straighten life out, before heading back to school and work. Of course, things are about to get hectic with spring sports and activities. My command central boy calendar is already starting to look intimidating.
But no matter how fun vacation was or how hairy the future schedule. Writing is back at the top of my list of priorities. *does a happy dance*
My question for you…is it harder or easier to write in the spring when the weather starts getting nice? It depends on the day for me.
Linda Grimes says:
Welcome back! Looks like you had a wonderful vacation.
It IS kind of hard to write when the days get warm and the outdoors beckons. But since I use long walks to brainstorm with my subconscious about tricky plot points, I guess I can still call those walks “writing.” (That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.)
On April 7, 2015 at 4:49 pm
Joanne Fritz says:
Great photos, Kim! Looks like you had a fantastic vacation.
Since I do the bulk of my writing at night, beautiful sunny weather doesn’t interfere. And like Linda, above, I love walking in the afternoon, which makes me feel better and revs up my brain more.
On April 9, 2015 at 6:32 pm