The Flow State

April 14, 2015 | , , , , ,


Time keeps spinning out of control…



I’m losing track of blog posts, the laundry is piling up and no other “projects” in the house are getting done…much to my husband’s disappointment.

But I love it because it means I’m writing. To hell with unpacking the rest of my stuff from when I moved in just over a year ago. Piles of stuff everywhere aren’t disorganization for a creative person–they’re a fort!

Recently I read an article entitled 20 Things To Remember If You Love Highly Creative People. Quite a few of those 20 felt liked they were aimed directly at me, but #17 struck a cord at this moment…

17. They are addicted to creative flow.

Recent discoveries in neuroscience reveal that “the flow state” might be the most addictive experience on earth. The mental and emotional payoff is why highly creative people will suffer through the highs and lows of creativity. It’s the staying power. In a real sense, they are addicted to the thrill of creating.

This is why, the closer I get to the “end” of this manuscript, the harder it is to do anything else. As I inch along, the addiction to possibility becomes more intense, making me want to abandon the rest of the world so I can be holed up in my imaginary one for as long as I wish. It sounds so simple, but the reality of living with an addictive flow state is a mash-up of creativity, sanity and motherhood and it can be a bit painful to look at, kind of like an eclipse LOL! I just try to remind myself that soon enough I won’t be celebrating my creative flow because…

5. They create in cycles.

Creativity has a rhythm that flows between periods of high, sometimes manic, activity and slow times that can feel like slumps. Each period is necessary and can’t be skipped just like the natural seasons are interdependent and necessary.

So, I guess I’ll unpack stuff then. Or maybe not, I’m sure I can find better slump activities to do. *grin*

What other things on the list resonate with your creative soul? Or are you stuck living with one of us highly creative fools? If you are, which one of the 20 drives you bat shit bonkers?




  1. Jodi Moore says:

    “Piles of stuff everywhere aren’t disorganization for a creative person–they’re a fort!” Yep. 😉 Can so relate to this…ALL of this! 🙂

  2. Sue Holmes says:

    Yay! I hope this means we’ll have a new book to read soon.