Whoa! It’s Tuesday

September 8, 2015 |

Three day weekends mess me up. The rest of the week I’m usually late for everything. Accidentally doing Monday things on a Tuesday can make things interesting too. In order to solve this problem, I really think we should ALWAYS have three day weekends. One day for running errands and working around the house. One day for hauling kids to sports and doing other high octane fun things and then one day to just chill the heck out.

I see you nodding your head in agreement. The person who can make this happens totally gets a cupcake–a really good cupcake.



But in the mean time, while we’re waiting for the implementation of the standardized 3-Day Weekend format, you can give me a round of applause because I didn’t just write this blog post on time (despite the weekend confusion) but also managed to get in today’s YA Outside the Lines Blog written in a timely manner to. If you’re interested (and waiting for 3-day weekends) you can check it out…Getting Schooled is a Mobius Strip

Now I’m off to get some writing done. What would you do if you had an extra day added to your weekends?


  1. Linda Grimes says:

    Mmmm. Cupcake. *drools*

    I can tell you the secret to freeing up your weekends, only I don’t think you’ll like it. Hint: It involves waiting until you kids grow up. 😉