Posts Tagged ‘Epic Fail’




The Cat Lady Who Tried to Write a Book and Failed Epically?

Filed under: Pondering

So it’s 52 days until TOUCHING THE SURFACE comes out and I’m in limbo–ironic since I’ve written a book about the afterlife LOL! But yes, I’m in a rather strange place at the moment. I seem to be fluctuating between insane excitement and certain dread. I dream about walking into a book store and seeing my book on the shelf. I imagine hearing from readers who love the story. I can visualize my future career and it ROCKS! Some days I can’t believe how stinkin’ lucky I am.

But all it takes is ten minutes.

Yup, that quickly I can go from confidence and bliss to thumping my forehead against my desk, knowing with absolute certainty that I will never sell another book again. Realizing that my book stinks to the high heavens and all my dreams will be crushed forever. There is even complete conviction that one day, people will point and snicker at me and say.. Isn’t that the cat lady who tried to write a book and FAILED EPICALLY? Sad…very sad. They say she’s lost her mind.

From hearing my fellow debut authors talk, I know that this is a pretty normal experience, but honestly it feels a bit bizarre. In order to try to combat the crazy, I’ve tried to come up with a list of MY universal truths to help me put things in perspective. Since writing them down will help me, and because I can’t leave you thinking about me as the cat lady, I thought you might like to hear them too.

*Change can be scary but it doesn’t mean it’s bad.

*You can’t control the things you can’t control.

*There is always something else you could be doing, but that doesn’t mean you should be doing it.

*The best place to live is the moment.

*Stop comparing yourself to other people.

*Everyone is suspicious of people who try to get outside the box, but they usually admire the ones who make it.

*Not everyone will like you–get over it.

*There are people who show you unexpected kindness that you don’t think you deserve. Instead of pushing it away, accept it and try to give it away to someone else who thinks they might not deserve it.

*Try to eat healthy, get enough sleep and exercise.

*Even in your most insecure moments, keep your list of dreams where you can see them.

*Go with the flow.

*Remember why you dream the things  you do.

*Always strive to grow.

*If all else fails, eat chocolate ice cream and run more.

Any other words of wisdom for the crazy cat lady? Come on…talk me down people.

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