Posts Tagged ‘It Takes Brains’




It Takes Brains to Help Families with Autism

Filed under: Check-it-out, Community, Pondering

It takes brains to help families.


How do I know this?

Because my very good friends, the Matthews Family have told me so.


(picture courtesy of the It Takes Brains website)

And I believe them because they have an intimate relationship with autism.

Here is their story…



I know that organ or brain donation is not for everyone. But it is for me. My personal beliefs are that I want to go out doing as much good for other people as I can. If you happen to be standing nearby when I make my exit–get my organs on ice ASAP! My driver’s license has me listed as an organ donor. And make sure that you contact the Autism BrainNet 24-hour Hotline (877- 333-0999) as soon as possible and inform the  medical personnel of my intent to make a brain tissue donation. Tell them that this brain (as weird as it might be) is for the Matthews family.

I would greatly appreciate your support of this family and other families with autistic challenges. Please do what you can–sign up to use your brain for something good. You can do that HERE. You can also share this blog with everyone you can. Or use your own platform to pass the IT TAKES BRAINS website along to others.  And please feel free to use the comments below to pass on your love and encouragement to a family that could really use it at this time. The details are personal–but the Matthews family has more than their fair share of challenges right now. So let’s give them more than our brains–let’s give them a little bit of our hearts too. <3

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