Even the Old Spice Guy Loves Libraries!!!

March 30, 2011 Uncategorized

 Even the Old Spice guy loves libraries… Don’t forget that this week is Jenn Hubbard’s Library Loving Challenge.  It’s simple-Check out my challenge, leave a comment on my blog and a very deserving library will get a donation from me....
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Library Loving Blog Challenge

March 28, 2011 Uncategorized

IT’S THAT TIME AGAIN…get ready for the LIBRARY LOVING BLOG CHALLENGE!!!!! For every commenter on this post between now (March 28th) and Saturday, April 2nd, I will donate $1.00 to Blodgett Memorial Library, up to an amount of $150 total....
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Library-Loving Blogdgett…take a virtual tour.

March 26, 2010 Uncategorized

Its Library-Loving Week and I’m participating in the LIBRARY-LOVING BLOG CHALLENGE. Thought you might like to learn a little bit more about my library, Fishkill’s Blodgett Memorial Library. Fishkill’s Blodgett Memorial Library was founded in 1934 and while it has...
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