Posts Tagged ‘milestone’




2,000 Miles!!!!

Filed under: Check-it-out, Community, In the Wild, Pondering, Running, Stuff I Love

Woo Hoo!!!! On Sunday (January 31, 2016) I hit a HUGE running milestone. I’ve officially traveled over 2,000 miles since I started running. I’m probably irrationally proud of this feat, but I don’t care. If you’re a runner you probably understand, but if you’re not, I’ll try to show you how epic this felt to me.

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First off, I didn’t start running until May 21, 2010, which means that I didn’t start until I was 40 years old. So, yes–you CAN teach an old dog new tricks. Over the years I’ve grown as a runner, and my runs now are much longer than they were in the early years (especially when my kids were younger–#runlikeamother) but ultimately I reached this goal in 403 runs and averaged 4.9 miles in the approximate 6 years and 8 months that it took me to do it. This was something I’ve stuck with, even when it was hard and it often was. Sometimes it still is.

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I was also able to learn some other interesting things about my almost 7 years of running…

*I wasn’t fast, but I wasn’t slow either–averaging 10’15” miles.

*I burned a grand total of 204,241 calories which was still not the right amount according to my butt and my fascination with chocolate.

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*I’ve run on every single day of the week, but Monday is my get it done day. And I don’t have a graphic for it, but I believe I’ve run more outside miles than treadmill miles.

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*I’ve also become a morning runner which was not what I preferred when I first started. Now it’s how I like to start off my day, especially in the hotter months.

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And the big question…how far would running 2,000 miles actually get me???

The closest match I could find would be an epic run from New York’s Empire State Building to Albuquerque, New Mexico which means that I could have passed out after getting a high five from my fellow writer/runner bud Caroline Starr Rose <3 How awesome is that????

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And since I’m still having fun and don’t plan to stop, here are my future running goals…


*It’s 326 miles to the 2nd and my next Purple Milestone.

*It’s less than 1,000 miles until I hit 3,000!!!! Hopefully it won’t take me 3 plus years to get there.

*It’s 1,103 miles until I hit the black level on Nike+running.


*It’s another 3,106 miles until I hit VOLT status. *shakes with intimidation*

But what the heck–I’m planning on giving it a shot. If you had once asked me if I could run 2,000 miles I would have said you’re out of your mind. But I did it. So, I’ll keep shaking those rocks out of my socks and keep on moving. I wonder where it will take me next…

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