Asking for a Friend

March 15, 2016 ,

Hey blog readers, I’m using this blog to solicit a bit of reading advice. Of course, I’m asking for a friend. Today’s post is about challenging reads. What are your personal strategies for reading a book that makes you feel...
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Dropping Balls

March 24, 2015 , ,

My blogging has been sporadic at best. I’m trying to get my act together. But the truth is I’m dropping balls left and right LOL! Somedays I drop the laundry ball…one of my favorites to “drop.” Other days I drop...
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Och Aye

January 15, 2015 , ,

I started reading the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon back in the late 90’s. I was living overseas in Germany as a newlywed. And I know I’m dating myself, but WAY BACK THEN, the internet wasn’t a thing. We didn’t...
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