Posts Tagged ‘Spring Blog-cation’




Taking a Spring Blogcation

Filed under: Family, Fun and Games, Vacation Madness

Just wanted to let you know that I’ll be taking a Spring Blogcation next week.

It’s #vacationmadness time!!!

I’ll be out and about, doing exciting family stuff, so I’ll be taking the week off.

No blogging on Tuesday 3/22 and Thursday 3/24.

Busy Bee

But I promise to fill you in on my adventures when my Spring Blogcation is over and the kids are back at school. Perhaps I’ll be a  slight bit sane by then–then again–maybe not.

Do you have any fabulous plans for spring break? What’s the best spring break you’ve ever had? I welcome spring break horror stories also–as long as you don’t jinx me LOL!

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