Posts Tagged ‘The Borrowers’




A TOUCHING THE SURFACE Library Giveaway!!!!!

Filed under: Check-it-out, Community, Contests, Reading, Touching the Surface, YA Books, Young Adult (YA)

On March 23rd, I’ll be participating in a NYC TEEN AUTHOR FESTIVAL event at the New York Public Library!!!! In my humble opinion, this is too stinkin’ cool. But I LOVE all libraries, no matter how big or small. I love them with or without lions. I love school libraries or public libraries. In my opinion, they are all very special places and to celebrate my library love–I’m running a Library Giveaway. *fist pump*

a Rafflecopter giveaway

If you were a winner in the last library giveaway I conducted, you may enter again as long as the book goes to a DIFFERENT school or public library. Looking for more information about the NYC TEEN AUTHOR FESTIVAL?  Click the link above–events involving 80 different authors will be happening all week.



Since we’re hugging libraries, I was wondering if you had a special book that you took out over and over when you were a kid?  One of my favorites was The Borrowers!!!! I KNEW they were living in my house too.  Or at least I was hoping LOL!


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