Posts Tagged ‘USA’




When You Put in the Time Magic Happens

Filed under: Check-it-out, Community, Writing

Today is the next BIG game in World Cup Soccer. It’s USA vs Belgium and it’s do or die for the US team.

140630 MNT Salvador team huddle

Photo courtesy of US Soccer

Everything rides on this game–well not actual life or death–but world cup elimination. And this team has become the scrappy underdog of the World Cup. And with each touch of the ball they are endearing themselves to their country and beyond. I’m trying not to get my hopes up to high, but I can’t help it–I haven’t been this jazzed about an American Team since the Olympic Men’s Hockey Team that beat Russia to take the goal when I was a kid. Miracle on Ice! Thinking of that still twists my gut and gives me chills. This team has the heart to go further than any US team has ever gone before. And because soccer is my favorite sport ever–I am giddy with excitement to see what happens today.

Why is this US team so good? In my humble opinion, t’s their teamwork, their dedication and their heart. They are also pretty darn classy. Soccer is a rough sport, but they haven’t bit anyone in frustration. *shakes head*

But that’s not all they have, this group of guys also has mad ball skills. Okay–maybe their not always as good as some of the other teams. (That’s where all that heart and dedication fills in the gaps) But they are pretty freaking competitive. And just like everyone else–writers included. (I know you were waiting for that transition LOL!) They have to practice. If you want to excel at what you do, you have to hone your craft daily. Whether it’s touches on the ball or words on the page–you have to put in your time. Just like this…

When you do–magic happens.

I love this commercial so much, I’m even willing to post it knowing it’s from MacDonalds *sigh* Not my favorite company. But when I look at the people and the message beyond “buy my horrible food” I think it’s a good one. THERE SHOULD BE JOY IN THE PRACTICE OF YOUR CRAFT. You should be exhilarated by what you do. And proud. So, please help me root for our boys today. They deserve our support. And make time to passionately pursue your art. And don’t eat at MacDonalds–seriously–I’ll feel bad if posting this video backfires. Go get some healthy, chemical free, sustainable food by a farm or company that provides humane treatment to it’s animals and staff. You can’t be your best self if you consume crap.

Do you love soccer? Have you been following team USA? Are you writing daily? Do you notice the difference when you put in the time?


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