Check it Out: Things That Make My Life Fabulous…that are NOT MICHELLE WOLFSON!

January 15, 2011 |

I know–I owe you part three of my agent journey–it’s coming.  But right now, there are a few things that I must share with you.  They are things that make my life fabulous…that are not Michelle Wolfson.  This in no way should be taken as an indication that Michelle Wolfson is not fabulous.  She is uber amazing!!  In fact, it wasn’t easy to find things that make me as happy as Michelle Wolfson. *grin*   But…I’ve now reached the point where my cheeks have been smiling for so long, I have to stop thinking about her in order to prevent premature wrinkles.  I’ve now realized that strangers look at me funny when I start to jump up and down, hoot and holler and pinch myself in public.  People in the grocery store can be soooo uptight. 

So, in order to prevent wrinkles and ensure adequate food for my family we are going to try to get back to earth from time to time.

Here it is–my list of fabulous things that I think you might not be able to live without once you try them.  Michelle would have been on this list but unfortunately she can not be purchase on-line or in stores at the moment.  Polish that query letter–she’s worth the effort and in the meantime be sure to follow her on Twitter #sheishilarious.  

Here’s my short list… 

1.  Bogs

All right, I admit they may not be the most attractive boots on the market, but by golly they are the warmest and driest boot I’ve ever shoveled snow in.  They are waterproof and insulated and easy to get on and off with helpful built in handles.  They have lots of quirky cute designs but I went neutral.  It’s a little like having a tattoo-I plan to have these for a long time and I know I get bored and my tastes change.  So, no tattoo in case you were wondering and If I need to spice it up–I’ve got stickers.  

I didn’t originally purchase my Bogs for winter wear.  I got them for puddle stomping and yard mucking and three-boy-chasing but my feet have never been so happy while shoveling the snow.  My only regret is that I didn’t have them last year when this happened…

Next up-keeping with the theme of footwear…

2.  Down Booty Slipper.

They are light, warm and purple.  They also amuse me because I giggle very time I say down booty *giggle* You can’t go wrong with these, they are little down comforters for your feet.  Ahhhhhhhhh

3.  Cashmina Sheets

Santa brought a set for the boys and I’m very thankful to that jolly old elf because those boys kept crawling under my comforter, with ice cold feet, trying to steal all my fluffy, warm happiness.  These sheets will NEVER leave my bed until spring.  (Ummm I mean I WILL wash them and put them right back on but other than that-a staple!)  

I love them soooo much I even got a set for my babysitter-which may not have been the best idea because I haven’t seen her since. I’m hoping that has everything to do with us being sick and nothing to do with complete hibernation.  We’ll find out Tuesday when I try to break out and go to dance class.  In case you need to get yourself a pair ASAP…google Cashmina Micro Plush Sheets.  Don’t forget to compare prices. They differ, but all the sheets seem to be great-I’ve ordered from three different locations because they were sold out EVERYWHERE!

I’ll make this my last fabulous item of the day because you need time to go track these items down.  This one isn’t warm or fluffy but you could use it in bed while wearing your slippers…

4.  Stonyfiield Organic After Dark Chocolate Ice Cream!!!!

Honestly, not a lot to add here that you can’t figure out on your own.  Just keep in mind I’m a complete chocolate snob and know of which I speak.  Go grab a spoon!


  1. Jessie Harrell says:

    you're my kind of girl — things that keep your feet warm & chocolate. Pretty much perfect,

  2. Kimberly Sabatini says:

    That's why were buds! :o)

  3. writerjodimoore says:

    You have spoken to my frozen-footed, chocolate-addicted soul. 🙂

  4. Linda G. says:

    I. Want. Those. Sheets!

    Also, that snow picture totally looks like here last winter. So far, so good this year. *crosses fingers*

  5. Kimberly Sabatini says:

    Linda-Those sheets are a MUST!!!!! I have never been so cozy in my life. I promise you…I'd pay triple for them. *grin*

  6. Courtney Rene says:

    Haven't heard of Bogs….as I hate the snow, the winter, the ice, and the cold not in that particular order, I may have to give them a hunt. I am currently extremely fond of my UGGS, but they are now about 3 years old and I am on the hunt for a new pair of great boots.

    Love the list, the sheets maybe be on the next hunting expedition as well.

  7. Kimberly Sabatini says:

    I have a pair of UGGS too Courtney and I love them but if its wet out they get wet too so, these fill that need quite nicely. The sheets are AMAZING!!!!! Let me know if you get anything so we can jump up and down and be fuzzy together!

  8. Monica B.W. says:

    Here I have my spoon. When do we start eating ice cream?? 😛

  9. Kimberly Sabatini says:

    That brings me to a very important point—When ARE you coming to NY???? I live about 60 miles north of the city so we soooo can get together!!!!!

  10. Sara says:

    I'm all about warm shoes, who cares what they look like. Lately I've been wearing obnoxious fluffy slipper socks inside my uggs.