New York City Mash-Up!

October 10, 2011 |

Galavanted around New York City with the family this weekend and saw all kinds of cool things, but this was one of my favorites.  Every time I passed by this building– I grinned like a damn fool.

In case you can’t see what I’m standing in front of it’s…

The home of Simon Pulse!!!! I seriously had to refrain from telling EVERYONE on the street that I work there!!!! (Even though I’ve never been inside LOL!)

Yeah, it’s a cool building in and of itself, but it’s also right by Radio City Music Hall and Magnolia Bakery.  (Yup–I had a chocolate cupcake.)  Honestly, if it had been an episode of Glee I would have totally broken out into a song and dance.  :o)
Although I was tempted to stand on the Avenue of the Americas all day and pet the building,  I didn’t and because I’m so diversified, I saw lots of great things that were not called Simon & Schuster.

The view from Hubby’s job–Ground Zero and the Freedom Tower.

More of the New York sky line.
The Brooklyn Bridge.

These locks were on the bridge and they just captured my attention.

View from the Brooklyn Bridge.

The Apple Store down in the Meat Packing District.

The windows were plastered with messages and memorials.

From inside the apple store…

We did lots more good stuff.  Visited friends, saw a show, ate great food, walked our butts off and laughed so much.  But as much fun as it was I always love coming home and home is even better when you find great mail.  A bag of swag arrived from the class of 2k12.  

Loving it!

Bookmarks–front and back.  With my name and title on them!  *squee*

Pins and guitar picks.

And don’t for get the pens.  
And now I’m off to bed…to sleep in and recover from a wonderful weekend.  Happy Columbus Day!


  1. Linda G. says:

    That looks like so much fun! You look MAHVELOUS standing in front of the Simon & Schuster building, dahling!

  2. Writer Jodi Moore says:

    Are you sure you didn't break out into a teeny weeny little song and dance…? 😉 I would have! 😀 Sounds like you had a great weekend – well-deserved, I might add. And I agree with Linda, S&S looks GREAT on you! 🙂